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[France, fluttering flag] Nadia Keefe's French Page [France, fluttering flag]

Visit Paris LiveCam!

Je vous souhaite un bon voyage en France!

Bonjour! My name is Nadia Keefe, and I am a French teacher. My husband Dennis, my son Nicholas, and my daughter Marie-Helene would like to welcome you to some great links on the French Page! If you teach French, we would love to hear from you. A bientot!

New: The Francophonie Web!

[France, fluttering flag] How about listening to French international radio or LCI?

[France, fluttering flag] Would you like to see some French television?

[France, fluttering flag] Here's today's French newspaper.

[France, fluttering flag] Browse through a French magazine.

[France, fluttering flag] Feel like a French book today?

[France, fluttering flag] An internet French grammar.

[France, fluttering flag] An internet French dictionary.

[France, fluttering flag] What is on French television this week?

[France, fluttering flag] Facts about France.

[France, fluttering flag] Photos from France.

[France, fluttering flag] Nadia's Teaching Tips for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Coming soon!

[France, fluttering flag] Search the Web in French!

[France, fluttering flag] Other useful French Links.

[France, fluttering flag] Love languages? Try our little list Links for Polyglottes.


Other cultural and language links for French.

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This page is dedicated to my parents Michel and Nadine Costes, who currently live in Chinon, France. My father has just retired as city manager, and has taken up the piano. Bon courage, Papa!
Copyright © 1997 Nadia and Dennis Keefe
Last updated October 30, 1998.