yvonne & marloes - 09/16/99 20:17:15 My Email:peertjeenpoh@dolfijn.nl | Comments: hoi lieverd, wij vinden dat je een leuke homepage hebt gemaakt. en dat wij het ook knap vinden dat je dat kan. heel veel liefs en kusjes van Marloes & Yvonne |
Simonnet - 01/08/99 08:09:28 My URL:/Paris/Metro/2163 My Email:simonet-claude@geocities.com galaxy: voie lactées | Comments: happy new year from france |
"eliza macquarrie" - 09/30/98 04:53:52 My Email:eregina3@yahoo.com Political persuasion: this week, anything but a democrat ethnicity: stubbon species: crazy female galaxy: choclate milky way | Comments: Saxon my friend, I see that you are a thinker, my dear brother is one as well. May a recommed that thee check out his website? Please do not take it as it first appears but review his "sermons" and other writtings, I shall recommend yours to him as well http://www.geocities.com/soho/9024 PS If you hate it don't tell me, he is my bother after all. |
dawn - 09/20/98 00:52:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4890 My Email:tabashe@hotmail.com Political persuasion: depends ethnicity: Native American species: Female | Comments: thanks for your comments on my page (AUSTIN) your writting shows alot of hidden feelings in yourself. |
Kenneth Wilson - 09/16/98 00:03:25 My URL:www.frontiernet.net/~kaygee/ My Email:kaygee@frontiernet.net Political persuasion: Independent ethnicity: English/Irish species: Homosapien home planet: Earth galaxy: Milky Way | Comments: Great site you have and I've enjoyed my stay! |
larry - 09/09/98 21:20:18 | Comments: Have you had enough chaos for one day? Maybe it's smeg at work. Larry |
Dave the Hammer - 09/09/98 17:23:42 My Email:jaybeck@frontiernet.net Political persuasion: other ethnicity: n/a species: Igive UP home planet: here where ever that is galaxy: new | Comments: |
frank - 09/09/98 02:05:32 My Email:budmegsadi@aol.com ethnicity: tall | Comments: |
Rob.T - 09/06/98 15:52:43 My Email:dreaman@webtv.net Political persuasion: ummm ethnicity: hmmm species: human home planet: this one galaxy: a big one | Comments: looking good so far mr.entropod... |
Nicky Gernhardt - 08/31/98 17:57:42 My URL:http://members.aol.com/ngernhardt/ My Email:NGernhardt@aol.com Political persuasion: McDonalds ethnicity: German want beer species: one people under may millions home planet: I think, earth galaxy: milkyway | Comments: Auch Du hast eine nette Homepage, viele Grüße aus Deutschland... Nicky Gernhardt |
nan - 08/30/98 02:25:36 Political persuasion: whatever ethnicity: mongrel species: humanoid home planet: terra galaxy: the creamy center | Comments: kool, finally something funny and intelligent! |
Milton Fragminster - 08/30/98 02:07:57 My Email:stinger254@juno.com Political persuasion: protestant ethnicity: hindi-bulgarian species: humus sapiens home planet: uranus galaxy: oh, cut that out! | Comments: Your resplendant wisdom amazes me! |