Bloodaxe's Anglo-Saxons
Links to Anglo-Saxon resources.
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This page is devoted to links relating to the Anglo-Saxons, plus the
origins of the Angles, Saxons & Jutes.
Links to Anglo-Saxon sites...-
Internet Resources for the Anglo-Saxon World
A list of links to general resources including Sutton Hoo, cemeteries and literature.
Anglo-Saxon Links
A library of links to Anglo-Saxon culture.
Celts and Saxons Homepage
Links to pages relating to Celts and Saxons.
Medieval Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxon Britain
Links to the Scandinavians, Norse culture and the Anglo-Saxons.
Adventus Saxonum
An article with many links on the coming of the Anglo-Saxons.
Anglo-Saxon England Before the Vikings
Another article full of links on Anglo-Saxon life before the coming of the Vikings.
Anglo-Saxon Books
An independent English book company dedicated to publishing accurate,
informative and entertaining books based on Anglo-Saxon history. Their
site includes extracts from their books.
Battle of Maldon
An excellent and entertaining site on the Battle of Maldon (991AD).
Last update by A.J.Chee - anno domini 4th November, 2004.
© 1996-2004
Andrea J Chee
The author is a member of
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