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Bloodaxe's Libraries, Journals and Museums

Texts and images to browse.


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These are sites created by libraries and museums, plus the homepages of journals relevant to the study of history.


Links to other sites on the Web...

A journal of medieval and renaissance studies.
Another journal of medieval and renaissance studies.
The British Library
The British Library is online and this site is expected to grow rapidly providing information on the Library's world-famous collection.
Bodleian Library
Not to be outdone, the Bodleian Library at Oxford University have created an image library. Follow this link to the catalogue.
A collection of images from manuscripts.
Virtual Library Museums Page
A jumping off point to viewing the exibits in virtual museums.


Last update by A.J.Chee - anno domini 4th November, 2004.

© 1996-2004 Andrea J Chee

The author is a member of The HTML Writers Guild


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