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Bloodaxe's 1066

Links to the Normans and the Battle of Hastings


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We all know that the Battle of Hastings was in 1066, but few people know who did what to whom. Explore these links to find out.

PLUS - view the Bayeux Tapestry. Check out part 2 of the tapestry at the US site to see Harold and his friend getting onto their boat with his hawk and dogs, but without his trousers!


Links to the Battle and the tapestry...

Bayeux Tapestry
Bayeux Tapestry (UK Mirror)
Links to info and .gif images of the whole tapestry.
Bayeux Tapestry (Close-ups)
A site where you can point and click on the images to view them in close-up.
Battle of Hastings Homepage
A fun page relating to the Battle of Hastings and including links to pictures from a reconstruction.
1066 Archive
A listing of information connected with the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Invasion.
Secrets of the Norman Invasion
On-line text of a book on the invasion.


Last update by A.J.Chee - anno domini 4th November, 2004.

© 1996-2004 Andrea J Chee

The author is a member of The HTML Writers Guild


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