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This page is updated regularly to ensure that all the links are working - however this is now a large site and links may 'break' without me noticing. If you should find that a link is no longer doing what it should, please feel free to mail me.
This site is dedicated to links to other sites which contain useful information for those who have a passion for Anglo-Saxon and Medieval History. I am not responsible for the quality and content of these links.
This is a constantly expanding environment which will be growing rapidly in future. The links are always under construction, so if you see something which should be here and is not, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Additions to this page in the near future will hopefully include:-
I graduated with a BA Hons in History from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and have completed further postgraduate MA research into Anglo-Saxon skeletons. You can find out more about me by reading my personal homepage.
Poetry fans may like to use the ftp site for the Anglo-Saxon Records. May I suggest you have a look at their Readme document first.
Students of Medieval History may also like to read on-line copies of Medieval Life .
I hope you enjoy your visit...come again soon...
Feel free to send me the URLs to any interesting English Medieval or Anglo-Saxon History links you may find.
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to this page since anno domini 1st June 1996.
This page is created and maintained by A.J.Chee.
Additional HTML (and moral support) by P.J.Wise. Thanks Pete!
Last update by A.J.Chee - anno domini 4th November, 2004.
© 1996-2004 Andrea J Chee
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