Interesting Apologetics Sites

"Error should be refuted, not silenced."

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

"[N]ot 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is."--Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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These are Apologetics sites that I have found interesting or helpful. I do not agree with all the sites, but believe they are worth looking at. Feel free to email me at to suggest additional sites.
Answering Islam
The only website I know dedicated to Christian-to-Muslim apologetics.
The Augustine Club Apologetics Site
An upscale Catholic site with some different types of essays, and a site search engine.
The Beggar King Homepage
A Catholic site addressing a number of apologetics issues; also includes an introduction to the Church Fathers.
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
An exhaustive compendium of sources, including Newman, Kreeft, church documents, and even Celtic links. Fun to browse!
Catholic Answers
A Catholic site with explanations of the Catholic position on almost every conceivable topic.
Catholic Apologetics Network
A Catholic site with answers to several Protestant criticisms.
Catholic Apologetics on the Internet
Thumbnail (usually) statements of various Catholic positions conveniently indexed. A good starting point, and contains material from a variety of sources.
Catholic Doctrinal Concordance
A short doctrinal concordance of the Catholic faith "to give people interested in Catholicism a quick reference for the most common items of the faith, particularly in areas where Catholics and other religions disagree."
Catholic Insight Home Page
Catholic Information on atheism/agnosticism, Biblical fundamentalism, Christian news & views, feminism, James White, Jehovah's Witnesses, Marian theology, Mormonism, and Seventh-Day Adventism.
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
A Protestant site critical of Catholic beliefs and practices, but without hostility.
The Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society (CPATS)
Not only a winning combination, but a wonderful collection of many kinds of Catholic links and information.
Consistency Homepage
This appears to be a Protestant page. Though it is a little awkward to use, it has a wonderful credo:
We believe:

God is logical. He made man inherently logical. Our beliefs are rational. "Irrational faith" is not Christian faith. This said, we believe that there has been much confusion about the word "rational." Many Christians who claim to have an "irrational faith" are actually being rational, but don't realize it.

Man should be humble. This means we should seriously consider all serious questions and challenges raised by believers and unbelievers about our faith. This also means we should live exactly what we believe. Hypocrisy is terrible sin.

Christians should pursue excellence. If our faith is correct, then only Christianity has a worldview capable of producing consistent, beautiful, quality things. The Church should be providing talented, deserving leaders in all areas of life, particularly in the arts, in order to demonstrate the beauty of creation and God's character.

Christians should be concerned for the glory of God and for the welfare of men.

These beliefs are intertwined. Hypocrisy is inconsistency, which is a lack of spiritual excellence. Christians should demonstrate the glory of God to the world, using their gifts to the fullest extent possible.

Corunum Catholic Apologetic Web Site
From the site:

This Web page is dedicated to the defense of the Catholic rule of faith within Patristic thought. The Catholic rule of faith consists of three coordinate and complementary authorities: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the teaching Church. The Church Fathers embraced both Scripture and Tradition not so much as two independent sources of apostolic data but moreso as two different means or modes of transmitting the entire Apostolic heritage.
Faith and Reason Ministries
This site addresses the alleged conflicts between science and the Christian faith. This is not a fundamentalist site.
First and Last Ministries
An evangelical English site dedicated to apologetics for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Leaflets of Faith
A Catholic apologetics site with an emphasis on the rosary. Upon request, they will send you a rosary and instructions for its use. They will also accept apologetics material written by others.
The Nazareth Resource Page
Valuable page of Catholic Christian apologetics, respectful of other faith traditions without yielding to indifference.
100% Catholic
Another mega-source of Catholic apologetics.
From the site: "Philokalia is a ministry dedicated to the study of Christian Church History, Theology, and Apologetics and Biblical Prophecy." This is a Protestant site.
Una Fides (One Faith)
A Catholic apologetics site dedicated to the Gospel message of Christian unity through education and understanding.

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