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Bob Beard's Home Page


Welcome to all. This page remains under construction at all times. I hope there is something here of interest to you. Let me know if you find something you like, and let me know if you know of something that should be here. Thanks. If a link isn't there or doesn't work today, try tomorrow. It will be a while before everything is here that should be . . . Please be patient with the extra ads--they help keep the internet free. Remember to sign the guestbook, or send feedback using the form below. Enjoy.

This page has been dormant for a while, but I'm trying to bring it back to life. Many new links have been added, and the Virginia Law Links Page has been reformatted. The Heresy Trial material will be reworked, and will be expanded to cover Bishop John Spong and his call for a "New Reformation" of the Church--June 20, 1998.

You are visitor since September 2, 1996.

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The Virginia Law Link Page™
The Culpeper Star-Exponent
Precious Blood
Our Lady of Nazareth
Sacred Heart
The Catholic Diocese of Arlington
The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
The Vatican
Deane's Home Page
Avi's Home Page
Emily's Home Page
Nancy Kent's Home Page


The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Philosophy
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Religion
All in One Christian Index
Catholic Resources on the Net
The Liturgy of the Hours
One Bread, One Body
Electronic Book of Common Prayer
Electronic Book of Common Prayer--1928 (Offices Only)
The Bible
Summa Theologica
St. Thomas Aquinas Home Page
The Order of Preachers (Dominican) Home Page
Andrew Greeley's Web Page
Episcopal Church Home Page
The Heresy Question in the Episcopal Church
Assorted Catholic Links
Interesting Apologetics Sites
The Via Media Page


A Malt Whiskey Tour of Scotland
The Gathering of the Clans
Scotland On The Net
Scottish WWW Sites
David Daye's Bagpipe Page
Bagpipe Society
On-Line Scotland
On-line tartans
Scottish Clan Information
Scotweb Listings


Tribal Voice
Bob Andrews' Home Page
OAK Software Repository


The On-Line Books Page
The Libyrinth
Odyssey of the Mind
Fairy Tales


Guest Book
Feedback Form


The Virginia Law Links Page™
As a matter of personal interest, and as (I hope) a benefit to the public, I maintain The Virginia Law Links Page™, with all the links I can find to matters involving law and government in the Old Dominion.
The Culpeper Star-Exponent
My hometown newspaper. Enjoy!
Precious Blood
My parish. Site not yet available.
Our Lady of Nazareth
My former parish.
Sacred Heart
My former former parish. Hi, Father David!
The Catholic Diocese of Arlington
My diocese.
The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
My former diocese.
The Vatican
My Church.
Deane's Home Page
My favorite woman in the world.
Avi's Home Page
Our grownup daughter, mother of our only grandson.
They're in the Marines, now, sort of . . . .
Emily's Home Page
Our eight-year old. Smart, funny and sensitive.
Nancy Kent's Home Page
Our four-year old. As she aspires to become a "vampire slayer" when she grows up, she has changed her name to "Buffy." Ouch.


The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Philosophy
A whole lot to think about here.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Religion
Even more to think about.
All in One Christian Index
A Meta-Index of Christian Sites. More indexes than you can possibly use.
Catholic Resources on the Net
The historic Catholic tradition is represented here.
The Liturgy of the Hours
From the site:

The Liturgy of the Hours (also known as the Divine Office) is the richest single prayer resource of the Christian Church. It provides prayers, psalms and meditation for every hour of every day. It has existed from the earliest times, to fulfil the Lord's command to pray without ceasing. Never monotonous, always new, it provides the means for the whole world, united, to pray together and sanctify every hour of every day of every year. All over the world, hundreds of thousands of priests and religious have vowed to pray the Liturgy daily, and all over the world they do, in public and in private, in tin shacks and cathedrals, in palaces and in prison camps.

This site uses the version of the Liturgy of the Hours given in the Roman Breviary - but the Divine Office is for all Christians and not just Catholics. Christians of many other denominations, including Anglicans, Methodists, and Baptists, are using this site on a regular basis.
One Bread, One Body
If you don't have time for the full Liturgy of the Hours, try these daily devotions, short but well-written.
Electronic Book of Common Prayer
The Episcopalian Prayer Book--it's public domain. Rome, please take note.

Electronic Book of Common Prayer--1928
The 1928 still contains what may be the most beautiful English version of the Psalter yet.
The Bible
Several different translations with a search engine for finding and comparing. Other versions can be found through Yahoo.
Summa Theologica
My favorite find so far....the entire Summa of St. Thomas Aquinas all online.
St. Thomas Aquinas Home Page
Everything you ever wanted to know about Thomas Aquinas--and more. Includes links to Aristotle. This link works as of April 10, 1998.
The Order of Preachers (Dominican) Home Page
St. Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar. This Order is alive and well, here, on the WEB.
Andrew Greeley's Web Page
If you liked the books......
Episcopal Church Home Page
The official home page of the Episcopal Church in the United States.
The Heresy Question in the Episcopal Church --
In 1996, a heresy trial, styled Stanton v. Righter, was held in the Episcopal Church in the United States. The Episcopal Church in the United States was founded shortly after the Revolutionary War, with the first Book of Common Prayer ratified in 1789. The Church's first heresy trial was against a bishop who stated publicly that communism should replace Christianity. He was deposed. The second heresy trial is complete, and the charge was that a bishop of the Church ordained a practicing homsexual in violation of the doctine of the Church and in violation of his ordination vows.

The trial resulted in a "not guilty" verdict, the Court finding that, as there was no "doctrine" in the Episcopal Church against such an action, there could be no determination that the doctrine had been contravened.

In the wake of that trial, Bishop John S. Spong of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, New Jersey, has issued a "Call for a New Reformation," which brings into question, among other things, the divinity of Christ, the reality of the Resurrection, and the existence of heaven and hell. Arguably, these questions are questions of "doctrine" in the Episcopal Church. What will happen now?

Assorted Catholic Links
My personal collection of Catholic material on the Web. There's a lot more out there, but these are of more than passing interest.
Interesting Apologetics Sites
My personal collection of apologetics sites. I don't necessarily agree with everything here, but I find it all interesting, one way or another.
The Via Media Page
Toward reconciliation in the Roman Catholic community of faith and reconciliation between the Christian communities of faith....


A Malt Whiskey Tour of Scotland
A good way to get acquainted with Scotland. Note: Beverages such as Dewar's, Johnnie Walker's, Chivas Regal, and so forth, bear as much resemblance to a quality single-malt Scotch whiskey as the work of Rod McKuen bears to that of Shakespeare or James Joyce.
The Gathering of the Clans
Information on clans, Scottish festivals, Scottish history, etc.
Scotland On The Net
This single link will probably take you to anything Scottish you could want to find!
Scottish WWW Sites
If you didn't find it on Scotland on the Net, try here.
David Daye's Bagpipe Page
What do you think it's about? HEAR Maestro Daye playing "Scotland the Brave."
Bagpipe Society
Never enough bagpipes......
On-Line Scotland
Scottish shopping, travel, business......
On-line tartans

Here is my tartan--the Baird. It makes a great kilt. You can find your tartan at this site to wallpaper your desktop. Or just find out what yours looks like.
Scottish Clan Information
Now that you've seen your tartan, learn some more interesting things about your family.
Scotweb Listings
Scottish Miscellany.


Tribal Voice
Home of PowWow--imho, the premiere online chat program, and lots of help available--and it's FREE!
Bob Andrews' Home Page
Source of several of my Scottish links above--connections to almost anywhere and anything. Set up for Netscape 2.0.
List your home page here; search for others by category.
OAK Software Repository
Gigabytes of freeware and shareware for all platforms.


The On-Line Books Page
Starting point to find giga-giga bytes of public domain e-text: Shakespeare, Plato, Edgar Rice Burroughs, L. Frank Baum, and many more. Here's a reading list to get you started, courtesy of Mortimer Adler, and others.

The Libyrinth
Links to material related to Jorge Luis Borges, Umberto Eco, Gabrial García Márquez, James Joyce, and other Literature Links

Odyssey of the Mind
The only place in the world where children are allowed to be creative?
Fairy Tales
So I like fairy tales. Sue me. Or read this one about Iron John.


Guest Book

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