
The Master

Sun Tzu [circa 400-320 B.C.] was a native of the Ch`i State. The surname "Sun" was bestowed on Sun Tzu's grandfather by Duke Ching of Ch`i [547-490 B.C.]. Sun Tzu's father, Sun P`ing, rose to be a Minister of State in Ch`i, and Sun Tzu himself, whose style was Ch`ang-ch`ing, fled to Wu on account of a rebellion. He wrote the ART OF WAR in thirteen chapters for Ho Lu, King of Wu and he was subsequently made a general by the king. He led an army westwards, crushed the Ch`u state and entered Ying the capital. In the north, he kept Ch`i and Chin in awe. His descendant, Sun Pin, born about a hundred years after his famous ancestor's death, was also an outstanding military genius of his time.

The book itself, being the oldest formalized concepts and principles of (conventional) war and military strategy written about two millenia ago, is still applicable today, not only in military but in business management as well.

The pagemaker

I, Leonard Arianto, found out about Sun Tzu while I was playing a computer game named The Ancient Art of War in my early childhood. I learned more about war strategies mainly from computer games like KOEI's Romance of The Three Kingdoms, which I still play till today, KOEI's Bandit King of Ancient China and MPS's Civilization. I rediscovered Sun Tzu's wisdoms when I was studying strategic management during my post-graduate years. I have become a devoted student of the master ever since.

Real Name Leonard Arianto, Ir., M.M.
Age 27
Residence Jakarta, Indonesia
Company Mitra Integrasi Informatika
Occupation System Engineer
E-mail address (personal) leo@indosat.net.id
E-mail address (business) leonard@metrodata.co.id

How these pages came into being

I got hooked up to the INTERNET via IndosatNet and eventually managed to claim a small piece of cyberland in The GeoCities (thanks to the Webmaster). With abundant help from a friend, Nick Skywalker (a cyberfleet commander from the time beyond Darth Vader), fine materials from an uncopyrighted text, inspiration from the finest management book of all time, WAR AND MANAGEMENT, a litre of black coffee, and everlasting affection to the master's wisdoms, these pages were finally born and released for the world to enjoy.