Techno Tidbits

Ziff Davis is a leading company in the world of technology. They now have wonderful online tutorials for many popular programs. If you have been trying to learn Microsoft Office on your own, take a peek at "Learn It Online" for a free interactive lesson from your home computer.

"Learn It On Line" ( is a set of interactive online tutorials. You are allowed to take one of their courses as a free trial. If you like what you see, you can purchase a yearlong subscription. Learn It Online presently offers Microsoft Office 95, Microsoft Office 97, Windows 95, Windows NT Workstation, Internet Explorer 3.0, Netscape Navigator, and Netscape Communicator. I called their office and they plan on adding more courses through out the year including Microsoft Front Page. There is a plug in that must be downloaded for this online program to run. The directions given are very clear and concise.

I took the Microsoft Access course to brush up on my database skills. I was greatly impressed with the method of teaching that is used. It is very interactive and proceeds through the course material at a nice pace. A voice read the text to me asking me to click here and there to accomplish specific tasks. Each course is broken up into several topics. I spent about 15 minutes a day on the Microsoft Access course and was able to finish it in 3 days. I was not impressed with the skill assessment test that you can take upon completion of the course material. This test will tell you what areas you need to repeat. The test seemed to rely more on vocabulary than on actually being able to complete specific tasks.

I highly recommend that you give this site a try!

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