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Concord School Concord School-Where the Focus is on the Child

    1019 Concord Place
    Darien, IL 60561
    Principal: Kelley Kalinich
    Voice: 630-968-3026
    FAX: 630-968-0826
Concord School Online is moving to: Please bookmark the new site!
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It's always a great day for the zoo! Visit Lincoln Park Zoo and Brookfield Zoo from your computer to learn about the animals and special events.

Try this site out to be dazzled with Interactive Magic.

Play Ball! Spring is just around the corner. Warm up your math facts with Math Baseball.

Sports Illustrated for Kids will keep you up to date on your favorite sport events.

Send Your Name to Mars and help N.A.S.A. reach their goal of one million names!

Just for a friend a Virtual Present!

Learning Aids!
Knowledge Adventure Encyclopedia

Webster's Dictionary