"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dryrot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time"

Jack London (1876 - 1916)

This is a page dedicated to the American writer Jack London. I am doing this page for a English Project at Woodward Academy. I selected Jack London as the writer I want to do my project on because his stories are very good, and I like the themes he uses in his writings. The purpose of doing this Internet project is to educate people of today’s society about famous American writers through the use of modern technologies.

Jack London was born John Chaney on Jan. 12, 1876, in San Francisco. He grew up under the care of two hard working parents. His father whom he rarely or never saw, and his mother who was almost never around. He was nursed by a Negro woman whom he lovingly referred to as Mammie Jenny. He was a very energetic young man, he had a wide variety of jobs and even joined the Alaskan gold rush, which he wrote many stories about.


Jack London wrote many different types of writings. He was a author who liked to have change and loved to differ the styles of his writings. He wrote what he deemed short novels, an example of which is -The Call of the Wild-. He also wrote long novels such as -Martin Eden-. He has written a plethora of short stories such as -To Build a Fire-, which we read earlier in the year. Finally, he also wrote of political affairs such as -The Iron Heel-, a book about socialism and its different ideas.


Before Adam (1907)

Burning Daylight (1910)

The Call of the Wild (1903)

One of Jack London’s most famous writings was -The Call of the Wild-.In this story, he told of how a young man journeyed into the Yukon to restart his life. So him and his dog move to where the gold rush was and build a house and begin life on their own. Ultimately they grow to develop a long lasting relationship with one another and become the best of friends who would do anything to protect the other one.

The Iron Heel (1908)

Martin Eden (1913)

The Sea-Wolf (1904

The Star Rover (1915)

White Fang (1906)


Children of the Frost* (1902)

The Faith of Men & Other Stories* (1904)

The God of His Fathers & Other Stories (1901)

The House of Pride & Other Tales of Hawaii (1912)

Lost Face (1910)

Love of Life & Other Stories* (1907)

Moon-Face & Other Stories* (1906)

The Night Born* (1913)

On the Makaloa Mat (1919)

The Red One* (1918)

The Son of the Wolf* (1900)

South Sea Tales* (1911)

The Strength of the Strong* (1914)

Tales of the Fish Patrol* (1905)

The Turtles of Tasman (1916)

When God Laughs & Other Stories (1911)



The Acorn-Planter

A play about the Nishinam tribe and their eventual encounter with explorers.

Jack London wrote about many different places and themes. He loved to write stories that were set in the Yukon around the time of the big gold rush. He probably like to write on this topic because he experienced it first hand. He also wrote about many different themes in his writings. He was a very intense man, therefore he wrote of many exciting things. Some of his favorites writings included themes of courage, strength, and of danger. He liked these topics because he felt that it kept the readers on the edge of their seats always wanting more.

  • Yahoo's search results of Jack London

  • Jack London's Campfire Chat Check this out to leave your thought's on london's works.

  • Jack London's Life and TimesGreat site to visit, contains his biography.

  • Jack London's writingsThis web page has online texts to virtual all of London's writings.
  • YukonMany of London's works were set here.

  • WolvesInformation about Wolves and there habits.

  • Call of the WildSite containing the online text for London's book.

  • Critism on The Call of the Wild

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