Name: Sarah (FRANKIN) Website: Something Referred by: Word of Mouth From: South Australia Time: 1997-07-31 07:24:00 Comments: Thankyou for your help Faerydell! Party on! |
Name: Branko Vogrin Website: Referred by: From Geocities From: Cliftonsprings Aust. (near Deakin) Time: 1997-07-23 21:10:00 Comments: I got your E-mail re- scc181 at Deakin which l'm also studying. Its a great idea about having a group communication. keep in touch Branko. |
Name: Christopher Dunne Website: Referred by: NewsGroups From: England (Living in Australia) Time: 1997-07-22 04:36:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Synntarr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Texas Time: 1997-07-21 18:33:00 Comments: I finally got the chance to go through your homepage. It is really nice. I enjoyed all of the pictures. |
Name: Synntarr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: texas Time: 1997-07-21 11:48:00 Comments: you have a nice homepage |
Name: Craig Douglas Website: N/A Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Heathmont, (Melbourne), Australia Time: 1997-07-20 03:25:00 Comments: Hi, I am a follow Deakin Uni dist/ed Computing student and think you idea about a "discussion group" is a great idea. I am studying scc182 and scc281 in second semester 1997. Bye for now. |
Name: Steve Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melboune (The Dandenong Mountains) Time: 1997-07-20 00:29:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Nvrsleeps Website: I dont have one anymore.. Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Michigan Time: 1997-07-18 08:54:00 Comments: Hi ya, Well i brought my picnic basket and blanket and enjoyed my stay *S*... You have a wonderful looking family... and your hubby is pretty handsome there too.. *S*...Wonderful Page.. :) talk with ya in chat.. |
Name: Jonathan Armstrong Website: Referred by: NewsGroups From: Sydney Australia - studying at Deakin Uni Time: 1997-07-17 03:51:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: David Andrew Website: well... Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Adelaide (South Australia of course) Time: 1997-07-16 08:37:00 Comments: Last night was my first attempt at chat. I can see its value for lonely expats. The group discussion thing seems a bit silly, but one on ones could be interesting, cover topics of interest in depth, be personal etc. I really haven't enough to go on. Anyway, your 'first attempt' at a home page lools pretty good to me; better than a lot of more experienced tries. Enjoy the US. We did, last year (west coast all the way up, then NY...amazing fun).'bye, David |
Name: Totally Tasmanian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Tassie Time: 1997-07-16 08:30:00 Comments: Hey faery Just thought I'd write a few lines to let you know I'd been here. I like yours much better than cu_miner (aka Mr Hubby), his is WAY TOO bold, you have to take too much in at offfence (of course you will probably rub his nose in it...*LOL*). Hope to chat to you again soon, if not good luck with your dist ed course and give them lecturers hell. |
Name: Totally Tasmanian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Tassie Time: 1997-07-16 08:28:00 Comments: Hey faery Just thought I'd write a few lines to let you know I'd been here. I like yours much better than cu_miner (aka Mr Hubby), his is WAY TOO bold, you have to take too much in at offfence (of course you will probably rub his nose in it...*LOL*). Hope to chat to you again soon, if not good luck with your dist ed course and give them lecturers hell. |
Name: JACQUELINE Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: JAN JUC Time: 1997-07-11 07:14:00 Comments: Hi, From DownUnder. Nice to see you in Aussie Chat Hope to chat with you very soon. Great work on your homepage, but I think some good Aussie music definately called for, to go with the possums!!!!! |
Name: michael Website: michael hawkins homepage Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Australia Time: 1997-07-09 12:46:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: jackie heninger Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Lexington, NC Time: 1997-07-09 08:14:00 Comments: Just thought I would say hi since you are just down hill from me. Take care |
Name: homrcles Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melbourne Time: 1997-07-08 05:17:00 Comments: First time on the net and was in the Australin room on WBS so I thought I'd visit your page |
Name: Vyz Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: ????? Time: 1997-07-03 10:04:00 Comments: Nice page buddy!!! But the music is a bit weak!!!! Play a bit of Technoor Grunge!!! *l* |
Name: BOGTROTTER Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: MICHIGAN Time: 1997-06-19 09:12:00 Comments: A VERY IMPRESSIVE PIECE OF WORK. |
Name: Jawed ul Hasan (jayech) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Calcutta India. Time: 1997-06-19 08:55:00 Comments: Hi, Saw your Homepage - Pretty good - need more time to go through. Will let you have my comments further after going through the complete homepage, till then keep smiling and take care. |
Name: Alan Burnham (IRON-ORE) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: UK/Australia Time: 1997-06-11 08:17:00 Comments: Brilliant, Faery! "You are famous in your profession and it is your great right to be so...." |
Name: rafiki Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: australia :0) Time: 1997-06-11 08:02:00 Comments: brillsmeggingilliant matey, oh ya and inspiring also!! ok so i signed this darn thing, happy :0) |
Name: brad(billy t man) Website: Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM From: australia Time: 1997-06-11 08:05:00 Comments: hello!! |
Name: Christine aka funkynews Website: Friends Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Michigan Time: 1997-06-11 07:56:00 Comments: Sis.Here i is went thru your homepage..Looks Great...Better then mine.. Keep up the good work..Love it..See ya in Oz chat... |
Name: bandit Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1997-06-09 06:49:00 Comments: hiya Deb just passing through to see if there is any changes... hope ya is well. and don't forget to pop in to.. ![]() |
Name: MARIAH SCOTIA Website: MARIAH SCOTIA Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: ID, USA Time: 1997-06-05 08:20:00 Comments: faery, *hugs* great page! *S* It kicks butt! *hehehe* Thanks for signing my guestbook! *S* Well have a great day! And see you in chat! *hugs* =*)! |
Name: strop aka: Ray Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Ontario. Canada, Adelaide( origonally) Time: 1997-06-05 07:36:00 Comments: Hi Faerydell, No kidding you needed a cut lunch going through here!! You forgot to add you need a tent if you get caught after sundown. *L* I agree with you about not missing OZ that much, it's all a mind-set. I miss my friends and family mostly and wish they were a little closer. Anyway see you in OZ chat sometime. Strop |
Name: Dwizdofoz Website: Which One??? Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Earth, south. Time: 1997-06-02 06:36:00 Comments: Keep working, it'll get better..*g* Been here seen it, signed the book to prove it. |
Name: Karen Jenkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: England Time: 1997-05-27 06:18:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Rachel & Ryan Baltetsch Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Grovedale Australia Time: 1997-05-24 23:43:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: kathH Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Washington State.,,, USA Time: 1997-05-23 07:39:00 Comments: faerydell... hi sweetie... i love your HP.. and it is sooooo good to see you again and see you looking so happy... hugggs to you and cu.. *smile*... |
Name: KimK Website: Kim's Place Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Canada Time: 1997-05-19 13:42:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Sylvia Gartland Website: don't have one Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Albany W.A. Time: 1997-05-19 07:17:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: marty danger sexton Website: can't remember Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: salem,sc. oconee county Time: 1997-05-19 06:39:00 Comments: that bear pic is neato! |
Name: Bev Baltetsch Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Grovedale/Australia Time: 1997-05-17 03:59:00 Comments: I Loved your pictures, He looks a spunk and you look happy.We used Vicki Harbison's Internet.Fred's organising our own. |
Name: Lady Mae Website: Lady Mae Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Alabama Time: 1997-05-15 07:52:00 Comments: Faerydell.. I enjoyed viewing your homepage and i shall return again to see what is new.. You have done a wonderful job on it. .. Hope to catch up with you in chat really soon.. take care and God Bless... |
Name: Steve Ross Website: Snerty's Website Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melbourne, EX Wangaratta Australia Time: 1997-05-15 06:42:00 Comments: After the problems I had building my site, I can understand how time consuming and frustrating it can get good job! |
Name: Cocktaillady Website: Cocktaillady Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melbourne Australia Time: 1997-05-14 06:51:00 Comments: I liked your homepage it's good, nice to see you and your family, you'll have to see mine..*S* |
Name: Polgara Website: Pol's home Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melbourne Time: 1997-05-13 07:06:00 Comments: Great page Faery. Wonderful pics especially. *S* I really enjoyed it, including the animated gifs. Pol |
Name: Leanne Murphy Website: nathans page Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Jan Juc, Australia Time: 1997-05-10 04:31:00 Comments: Hi Deb, I loved the wedding pics. What a suprise! I'll sit down tomorrow and email you a letter. |
Name: coogle Website: coogle and Crystal's Home page Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Sydney Aust Time: 1997-05-09 19:39:00 Comments: Hi and thanks for your help. Loved the moving GIF!...just one comment...I know that a dog is supposed to be man's best friend....but BEST MAN???? *LOL*...congratulations on you wedding and wish you the very best. |
Name: James R. Lewis Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Washington Court House, Ohio Time: 1997-05-01 06:51:00 Comments: Hi Mrs. Cu-Miner |
Name: Heath Johnson (Blues Dr.) Website: Blues Doctor's Bourbon Street Blues Page Referred by: Word of Mouth From: New Castle Indiana, but stuidying in Perth, Australia Time: 1997-04-30 08:31:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Ray...aka teser12 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Ozzie Land Time: 1997-04-30 07:23:00 Comments: Hi there faery...just popped in to drool at your new 'mover' |
Name: Slartybartfast Website: My winsurfing, jokes, Ufo and classical guitar page Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: I dont know i am really really lost ????? Time: 1997-04-27 21:24:00 Comments: WOW this homepage of yurs is becoming very professional looking ! I might have to come to you for advice on how to make mine look a little more like yours ? hmmmmmmmm naghh hell i will just steal(download) yours and make a copy of it ? ahhahahahaahah seyya |
Name: DAVID AKA BEANY AKA the Phantom27, AKA phantom28! Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Australia Time: 1997-04-25 08:42:00 Comments: OK so I signed it!! lol Any jobs going?.. he he. have a cool wedding thing .. |
Name: Stuart (SittingDuck) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Kentucky Time: 1997-04-25 07:58:00 Comments: Hope you have a nice Wedding and enjoy your Honeymoon!!! |
Name: Alex Morelli Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: home - Australia that is Time: 1997-04-22 06:45:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Ray Morris Website: teser12 Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Cairns...Ozytralia Time: 1997-04-21 08:32:00 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
Name: Phil Graham Website: Phil's Home Page Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Time: 1997-04-14 06:54:00 Comments: Just saw you on Australian at WBS thought I'd take a look - I'm a Brisbane music producer (ads, movies, etc,). Good to see ya Take it easy... Regards Phil. |
Name: Solo Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: San Francisco Ca Time: 1997-04-09 11:43:00 Comments: Great Home Page thanks for letting me visit |
Name: christine aka funkynews Website: Friends Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Michigan Time: 1997-04-07 08:36:00 Comments: Sis,thanks for putting my link to my homepage on yours..I'm going back in to put yours in now that i have it..:) ((((((((Hugs))))))))) your the greatest..Thanks for everything...See ya |
Name: Rainface*Sweden* Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Gothenburg Time: 1997-04-05 08:40:00 Comments: Faerydell, very nice page! Will bee back again! The constructionworkers *smile* liked them! CU |
Name: Claudia House aka Desert Rosie Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Marana Arizona Time: 1997-04-03 06:49:00 Comments: Faery, Nice page, It drives my nuts, though. I have astigmatisms and everything moves on the page. The colors I guess, it is like stripes to me. See you, DR |
Name: stephen king Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: brisbane australia Time: 1997-04-03 06:05:00 Comments: i found you on australian chat wbs |
Name: bandit Website: bandit's page Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Australia Time: 1997-04-01 08:21:00 Comments: hiya feary .. wheres the pen???*LOL* hey i didn't see a link to my page*pout**LOL* |
Name: CHATALAINE Website: CHATALAINE Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1997-04-01 06:27:00 Comments: ![]() |
Name: CHATALAINE Website: CHATALAINE Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1997-04-01 06:26:00 Comments: |
Name: Barbara, Phillip, Josephine and Jake(woof) Turner Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Downtown Geelong Time: 1997-03-31 02:22:00 Comments: Not sure what they mean by a private message! I guess it means that only you can read it....... or is it just the entire world tapping in...... I mean its all a bit daunting! |
Name: KimK Website: Kim's Place Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Manitoba Canada Time: 1997-03-25 11:16:00 Comments: Hey sis, Just checked out your is wonderful...thanks for giving the opportunity to view it...(((HUGS))) KimK |
Name: Jim Lewis (aka Trakker) Website: Trakker's Hang Out Referred by: From Geocities From: Washington Court House, Ohio Time: 1997-03-24 07:24:00 Comments: Hello |
Name: Lady Mae Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Alabama Time: 1997-03-21 07:36:00 Comments: Enjoyed visiting your homepage.. i'll check back in from time to time.. |
Name: Knockabout (andrew) Website: 44444444 Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Melbourne Time: 1997-03-19 07:50:00 Comments: 555555 |
Name: Angela Beaman AKA Venkman Blues Website: Venkman Blues's Homepage Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Townsville, Far North Queensland, Australia Time: 1997-03-17 07:18:00 Comments: Very nicely done page, I think its good for a first one |
Name: funkynews aka Christine Website: Friends Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Michigan Time: 1997-03-14 08:30:00 Comments: Faerydell sis..Cool it..and the sound wav pretty good..I'm listening to it while signing your guest book.."LOL"...Well i'll see ya in OZ chat..(((((((Hugs))))) |
Name: funkynews aka Christine Website: Friends Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Michigan Time: 1997-03-14 08:30:00 Comments: Faerydell sis..Cool it..and the sound wav pretty good..I'm listening to it while signing your guest book.."LOL"...Well i'll see ya in OZ chat..(((((((Hugs))))) |
Name: Cher Website: Miss Swanee's HP Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Aus Time: 1997-03-14 01:43:00 Comments: Hey sis! - great HP |
Name: SRD Website: Wild N Wet South Carolina Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Lake Wateree Time: 1997-03-12 13:41:00 Comments: hon..just stopping in Ridgeway to get some a fine wine.. like a setting a blooming you..hugs... |
Name: Mysyicblue Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: southern Indiana Time: 1997-03-12 12:49:00 Comments: Great!! |
Name: Bearbait Website: Rebellous Ron Riedel Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Vancouver Canada Time: 1997-03-12 12:45:00 Comments: Looking good |