Gerrans Kin F H S seeks to bring members of the Gerrans family into contact with one another and maintain a database of all births, marriages, deaths and other events relating to the family. Until the 1800s most Gerrans' were still living in Cornwall.
These pages are in dedication to my father, Frederick Gerrens 1924-1986

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Gerendus, Gerens, Gerrans
Cornish patron Saints are usually old Celtic Bishops, Priests, Monks or Hermits however, with the Parish of Gerrans we find that this is not the case, he is a King, and the only King of Cornwall about whose reign anything detailed is recorded. It is true that Saint Constantine was also a King of Cornwall, but it is after his conversion and withdrawal from the world, as a Monk that he appears in Celtic hagiography, and almost nothing of his life when he was on the throne, is told us. But Gerent is described in Welsh and Breton Lives of Saints and in the Exeter Martyrology, not as a Saint, but as a Monarch at whose court Saints were welcome, and who was intimately connected with several personages greatly honoured in the Celtic Church; though at an early period he came to be regarded as a Saint himself, exactly as Ethelbert, King of Kent, the enthusiastic convert and protector of S. Augustine, the builder of Churches and Monasteries, whose body was buried among those of the first archbishops of Canterbury, has his name in kalendars and martyrologies. The life of Saint Gerent is therefore a subject of unique interest. It seems to promise to provide us with a glimpse into the social and political life of Cornwall before it had been conquered by the West Saxons, while it was still an independent Celtic kingdom

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