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Digital Equipment's ALTA VISTA search engine is FAST and extrememly comprehensive.
The version you see here offers only the simple query search, but is very flexible
in its own right, and can be used as a USENET news reader.
Go to http://www.altavista.digital.com
for more details, and to see more features.
HotBot is one of the fastest and most up-to-date search engines on the web! Definitely one
of the better recent engines to arrive on the web. Visit http://www.hotbot.com
for more information.
LYCOS is one of the web's most popular search engine, offering an extensive database of
web sites. As with ALTA VISTA, you may register your own homepage or website
to be included in its directory.
Visit http://www.lycos.com for more LYCOS info.
Excite is the official search engine, of Netscape Communications. Multiple search options with concept and keyword searches.
Questions about Excite can be answered at
Yahoo was one of the first web search utilities, and remains very poular. Great for searches based on topics or concepts. To learn more about Yahoo, visit them at
Webcrawler is the search utility for America Online.
It automatically searches the world wide web for new pages.
More info about this search engine can be found at http://www.webcrawler.com.