The Learning Room, a place for you to learn a bit about Electrocardiograms and what they mean. Provided by Nurse George electrocardiogram, ECG, QRS, V-Tach, BAsic ECG tutorial, atrial fib, ventricular fib, atrial flutter, The Learning Room, Nurse_George, Nurse George, Adult education, nursing education
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Something about me
What I am trying to do
Heath Care Links
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A few questions about abg's
Learning about ECG's
Learning about ECG's
Some interactive tests, hopefully
A few ABGs to interpret
Test what you've learned
{Nurse George Welcomes you to the Learning Room}

Welcome to the Learning Room. I have created this place as a way to share some simple knowledge about health care for the public. I have been in nursing over 15 years now and still have much to learn about patients, (and patience too.) I have received a lot of support lately and I will soon be working on an tutor for ABG interpretation. If you signed the attendance sheet I will let you know when I have it up. In the mean time enjoy the ECG section. Thanks for stopping by today:) There are 2 pages of basic ABG information I just put up. It's not much, but I hope that I can make it better and more organized soon, thanks for the mail and signing the attendance sheet.

I have been working hard on an overhaul of this site for the new Century, (of course that starts in 2001 so I have some time,) with new graphics, a quiz, and hopefully the interactive ecg stuff will work, (but I can't promise at this time.) I am wondering how people are dealing with the advertisment windows and such that are coming up with the pages. I assure you it's not my doing. It's part of being a free site but I can see how it's slowing down some pages and I'm not too pleased with that.

Those of you who have written in the last few weeks I will get back to you soon, work is really busy this time of year and I am swamped. You should know I am not checking the sign-in sheet often so if you have a question write me, I'll get back to you. So for now be good and live happy.

Text Version
 Learning about ECG's
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Text VersionVisit some friends of mine in Hollywood
Link Page 2 A table of interesting health related links

mailicon.gif - 1146 BytesAny questions? Write to me
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Last Updated by Nurse George on 02/22/2000