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Picture of Neal
Neal Rzepkowski , MD
( and Ordained Spiritualist Minister )

Neal Rzepkowski is a family practitioner, HIV care specialist, spiritualist minister and clairvoyant.
If you have questions about the lodges or workshop, leave a message at his home phone (716) 679-7731.

Neal has had the privilege of participating in many sweat lodges, including ones with Bear Heart, Winddaughter and Wallace Black Elk.

Sweat Lodge Building And Ceremony --- This workshop is limited to 20 people. You must pre-register.

June 19th (Lily Dale Beach) --- Sat. 9:30 AM until completion.

Bring shorts, T-shirt, towel and a change of dry clothing.
Women traditionally wear a long skirt, but this is not mandatory.

Also bring work gear, rain gear, knives ( pocket or bigger - pruning shears - loppers ).

Practical "hand-on" experience in creating a Sacred Space by building a Sweat Lodge.
As the process unfolds, some of the ceremonial and symbolic aspects will be explained.
We will do a ceremony that evening. Lodge Fires will be set 2 hours before the lodge begins.

Although donations are are always welcome to help with the costs of firewood and Lily Dale upkeep, these Native American purification and prayer ceremonies are open to all without charge. If more than 20 people show up, a second lodge will begin about 2 to 2 1/2 hours later. Meet on the beach at 8pm 6/30, 7/10, 7/17 or 7/31. Meet at 7:30pm 8/3, 8/21, 8/26 or 9/4. There will also be one, 1 hour before sunrise on 7/31. A children's lodge will take place at 7pm on 8/5.