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 Picture of Patricia
Patricia Price, M.S.
Director: The Trilogy Institute

Patricia Price is an international lecturer and seminar leader, and works as a health practitioner. Patricia is a certified and registered Medium. She teaches psychic and mediumship skills through a course she developed called "Intuitive Linking". Kinesiology and Transformational Breathwork are also tools she uses to empower others. Patricia is the founder and director of the Trilogy Institute. She has produced several meditation tapes and written two books, and has been teaching for 20 years. Her teaching style is filled with clarity, warmth and love.

Past-Life Regression -- (Certification Course.)

Jun. 10th&11th (Auditorium) --- Sat. 10AM - 9PM -- Sun.10AM - 3PM

If you wish certification for this course, please send or bring copy of your Hypnotherapy Certificate with you. Certification will be given by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and theTrilogy Institute. CEU will also be available from the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. Experience the answers as you are given the opportunity to take part in facilitating and receiving past life regression sessions.

Join us for a workshop designed to train professionals to work with clients in past-life regression sessions:

Soulmates Past and Present -- Bring a mat if you prefer to lie down during a 45 minute session.

Aug. 18th (Auditorium) --- Fri. 7 - 10PM

Experience a full length past life regression for yourself. Join us for three (3) unforgettable hours of information and experience.

Explore the definitions that most Westerners misunderstand in regard to past life: soulmate and twin-flame. Experience the answers as you are given the opportunity to take part in a past life regression.