The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Nicknames: Lambda Chi's, Chi's, Chops, Choppers Colors: purple, green, gold Symbol: crucicrescent Mascot: none Founder: Warren A. Cole Founded: November 2, 1909 Boston University Boston, MA Badge: Pearl-set crescent of gold with horns turned toward the left, enclosing a mongram of the Greek letterd Chi and Alpha, Greek letter Lambda of gold stamped onto the Chi and Alpha, with eleven stones set in the lambda. In the center of the crescent, Greek letters Delta and Pi in gold on black enamel. Member: NIC, FIPG, AFA Headquarters: 8741 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1389 (317/872-8000) Educational Foundation: Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation, capital assets in excess of $2,000,000.00 Exoteric Magazine: The Cross and Crescent (quarterly, all members receive lifetime subscription. Purple, Green, and Gold 1914-1937) Number of campuses entered: 300+ Rank among NIC social fraternities by number of active chapters: 1. Tau Kappa Epsilon (322, 124) 2. Sigma Phi Epsilon (254, 64) 3. Lambda Chi Alpha (224, 61) 4. Sigma Chi (217) 5. Sigma Nu (212, 33) 6. Kappa Sigma (207, 51) 7. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (206, 44) 8. Pi Kappa Alpha (180, 49) 8. Phi Delta Theta (180, 36) 10. Alpha Tau Omega (164, 67) By number of total initiates: 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (219,190) 2. Sigma Chi (208,499) 3. Lambda Chi Alpha (195,583) 4. Tau Kappa Epsilon (182,142) 5. Sigma Phi Epsilon (178,908) 6. Kappa Sigma (176, 291) 7. Phi Delta Theta (174,930) 8. Sigma Nu (167,169) 9. Pi Kappa Alpha (163,765) 10. Alpha Tau Omega (156,035) NIC Presidents (as of 1991) 1944 Leroy A. Wilson 1958 Houston T. Karnes NIC Gold Medal 1949 Leroy A. Wilson 1969 Houston T. Karnes 1975 Tozier Brown NIC Interfraternal Awards 1989 George W. Spasyk Fraternity Executives Association Presidents 1931-1933 Bruce H. McIntosh 1955-1956 Cyril "Duke" Flad 1979-1980 George W. Spasyk