Glimpses into the Mind of a Dilettante

And this page isn't halfway finished yet...

Academic Interests

Yes, ladies and gentlement, he is a hard-core Arts and Sciences student. Not that I'm not enthralled by particle physics, who wouldn't be?

Frequent Reads

Sites I check most often.

Favorite Fiction Authors

Don't try to conclude too much about me... but we're all going to hell.

Some Non-Fiction Works I Like

It behooves the university student to read these.

Favorite Musicians and Composers

Is not my taste the very essence of eclectic itself? And not what you expected, I imagine...

Favorite Television Programs

There's only really one program worth watching.

Favorite Philosophers

At least a few of them. People don't exactly put up fan pages for Duns Scotus the way they do for Disney characters.

Unfavorite Philosophers

It is a law of the internet that you will find more philosophers you disagree with than agree with. On the basis of this, I encourage fans of the individuals below to conduct a search for Mencius and e-mail me the results.

Card-Carrying Member of the...


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