Or How I Once Tried to Get Revenge

                       Narrated by Ms Amy Luskey-Barth

Disclaimer: Associated Campus Entertainment (ACE) bears no responsibility

   for slanderous or libelous authors. ACE represents only the NNP

   network of parody distribution.


1     Now in this month of high school graduation

      Thousands take their score of adulation

      But the Servite Class of Ninety-Three

      Had happened to compile some songs of me!

5     Not the whole of seniors, goodness no,

      But yet a large contingent were my foes:

      Students who in league since freshman year

      Long have sought to kick us out from here--

      Me, Dan Knowles, Joe Collins, Messerle

10    A group to quash their youthful energy,

      Their dreams, their goals, their happiness in life,

      To fill their high school days with aught but strife,

      A group to yell out lectures without meaning,

      A group to give them hellish looks demeaning,

15    Sitting at our office desks a-preening,

      At auditions towards our favorites leaning.


      The four of us discovered several sheets,

      Tales extolling all the authors' feats.

      Behold! Condemning `Despot,' Tricia's ruin,

20    My favorite foreman slandered (I should sue 'em).

      `Barbie and the Geek' insulted Babs;

      For the `Encore!' all of us kept tabs;

      Hawley and his Theatre of Doom...

      More and more in each and every room!


25    The authors must be given up for slaughter!

      Bring them here; I'll feed them to my daughter!

      How furious was I when I found out

      That works like these had given students clout

      A long investigation did reveal

30    That most of Tri-School felt the way they feel.

      A longer test continues by the minute,

      To succeed, lest I did not begin it.

      I still don't know of all those perpetrating

      To take pictures of me masturbating.

35    But oblivious as I may be,

      I know of none as skilled as students three

      Without whose help no one could parody

      As clearly, whe'er in song or poetry.

      So I will take revenge for all the writings

40    ACE's masters wrote that were so biting.


      Benedict, can't say his other name:

      I wish he'd go to crew from whence he came

      Complains I only give him old man roles

      Before he suddenly quits the Thespian show.

45    His bumming rides to me make him a pest;

      He didn't win a MACY for my desk.

      His soul is surely rotten to the core--

      I hope he didn't want to do "Encore!"

      Then comes the tale of wicked Joe Betance

50    Whose gives me the creepers with a glance,

      Mocking me and Dino for no reason

      More than once has threatened me with treason

      So dependent on his sense of humor

      Racist more than I and my brain tumor.    

55    Rare, forsooth he glowers at my anger;

      Still I loathe this mangy paper-hanger.

      A man who can't be serious should die;

      So will Joe Betance at hands of mine.

      And Jason Cho most terrible of all

60    To think that oftentimes he has the gall

      To call himself a god for all his running 

      And because he seems to think he's funny

      Always complaining that he has no time

      But yet is always sitting writing rhymes

65    He writes his tales of Dino's lifelong place

      And then defends Arnel before his face!

      A condescending overrated hack,

      I'm glad this part-time techie won't come back.

      Behold, they're unsuspecting as I write,

70    The tool I use they laugh at every night.

      Indeed, Arnel's the agent of their fall!

      A horrifying shock to one and all

      Perhaps, for he's reknowned throughout the nation

      For Jean Selden's hour-long conversation,

75    For his help unwanted (Morgan, Sarah),

      For attacks with canes (Juan-Carlos Parra),

      Saying Riff (Matt Johnson) sucked with glory--

      Just too many-- let's resume my story.

      Arnel I use to give them all regrets,

80    To make them tell the truth to Mrs Betts,

      To have all three go burn their many tales

      Despite Kris Blidy's so-annoying wails.

      Arnel will be a hero, I will see!

      The man (the male) he wishes he could be!

85    I call upon the Muses in my angst,

      The little Tri-School pennies in my banks,

      And the folks I worship like the dollar,

      Both in layman form and with the collar:

      Ober, Coleman, Lynn, and Father G,

90    Brian Shucker-- all were dear to me,

      Mother dearest, whom I had to kill,

      Messerle and even Brother Phil,

      Mike Michetti, writer of my song,

      Daniel Knowles who's never in the wrong,

95    Best director balding Joseph C,

      Daughter Gillian a clone of me.

      Mike McCoy, Buck Mason, and JC:

      My revenge on you will later be.

      And such the fate of others disagreeing

100   With Almighty Amy's great decreeing.

      Connelly, Servite, Rosary, or other,

      I'll teach lessons they'll tell one another.

      Anger now is rising at rehearsal

      As the cast and crew cry for dispersal.

105   Punishment! They'll stay till midnight's past

      From three till one backstage they shall be massed:

      No escaping Amy Luskey's wrath,

      As even now I calculate the math

      Of bankruptcy, psychiatrist, and pills

110   And Ambra Wakefield's thousand-dollar bills,

      And take a break from fixing those elections,

      And David 'n' Lisa program spell corrections.

      Now at break with Dino's help I start

      The end of ACE and all who aid their art.

115   Thus I start to write the Tales of ACE,

      Their follies, habits, and inferior race.

      O God who gave me Erin, Maura, John,

      Jenny, Tricia, all my lovers gone,

      Help me treat them as I treated Z

120   That they may never further bother me.

      Behold, it is the second day of May;

      The musical is fully underway.

      (`Encore!' is my latest project bold.

      I know it will shower me with gold, for

125   I've contacted all the old alums,

      Doctors, lawyers, businessmen and bums,

      Knowing they will flock to see the show

      And make a large donation et de do'.)

      My enemies are here this Saturday, with

130   Ben and Jozee starring in the play,

      Cho not paying for his seat or packet

      As he wears the Student Council jacket.

      Six AM the actors have their call,

      Principals and chorus one and all...

135   (They're downstairs donning hair and costume piece

      While Barbara gets my snacks from her Caprice.)

      The Three are gathered on the stage awaiting

      News of Dino and computer dating.

      (Senior Prom is coming up, you see,

140   And Dino knows that it's the place to be.

      Too bad he'll be rejected seven times

      As told in one-- now two-- of ACE's lines.)

      Success is how the three have crowned their year--

      They think they'll parody for a career,

145   But each will fall as I relate their tale.

      God on my side, the Masters will bewail!

      The Tale of Joe Betance

      Here is where I start to tell my tale

      By starting out from Dino's drooly trail.

      After being trapped within a prison,

150   He put on a scene no one envisioned.

      I was in his dream where I did tell

      That he should never go to Taco Bell,

      The restaurant away near Connelly School,

      But took they with them Dino like a fool.

155   They found him in the car and kicked him out,

      A-warning they'd make fun of him, no doubt.

      Arnel, however, cleverly remained

      So off they went, though all of th  em complained.

      Joe Betance was sighted by my slave

160   Who then went up and joked about the knave.

      He called him many stupid little names

      And started up a foolish little game.

      Sick of him, Joe B and Brian Day--

      They warned Arnel that he should stay away,

165   Their jokes, they said, to him would not be pleasing

      (Kellie interrupting, asked "Who's wheezing?")

      But as he did continue, they began

      And Dino couldn't handle like a man.

      And ceaseless, ruthless, at him would they laugh,

170   Employing AIDS and gay men in their craft.

      So when they went to leave Arnel refused

      To get inside the car till he defused.

      Arnel began the two-mile walk to school,

      Aware full-well how tardies were uncool.

175   Three inside another car consorted

      (Adam, Nino, and John Villacorta),

      And drove off to leave the Dino-bashing

      Just as Dino whirled and came back dashing.

      Though the door was locked away at first,

180   They knew that Dino hadn't seen the worst.

      They let him in without so much a blurb

      When Dino had them stop there at the curb.

      Taking out his coke and dashing for them,

      As they thought Arnel would not dare gore them--

185   (He had AIDS just like poor Brian Shucker--

      Suddenly Joe cried "That motherfucker!")

      Dino dashed and threw the Coke at Joe,

      Hitting him an hour before the show--

      Joe in hair and makeup truly stunned

190   Watched Arnel as to the car he gunned.

      But lo! the door was locked to his dismay! and

      Dino turned to witness Brian Day

      Approaching him with laughter in his eyes

      Before Arnel gave Brian a surprise:

195   He shouted "Yah!" and took a fighting stance

      As rolling on the car laughed Joe Betance.

      Dino jumped on Brian's head and scratched;

      Brian quickly Arnel's headpiece snatched.

      Lacking strength from NASA, Dino fell;

200   They let him in the car and bade farewell.

      And later Dino, working on a hunch

      Did learn that he'd been talked about a bunch!

      And grabbing Mrs Doris Walker's cane,

      He targeted the back of Amy's bane.

205   Juan-Carlos yelled and Joey grabbed defense:

      A Video Yearbook Dino had dispensed.

      That sat upon the stage that glo-tape topped

      And like the yearbook sales, the video flopped.

      The VY tape then flipped and gave a screech

210   And in a huff became a Giant Peach!

      Towards Arnel the Giant Peach came rolling

      As if the Lord Himself'd been going bowling.

      And ran Arnel to the Computer Room

      And grabbed some grapes and drool gun to resume

215   His mission to send Jozee to his doom,

      Or in the least make Joe Betance his groom.

      Now back inside the theater within

      The confines of the workshop they had been

      Discussing Dino's faults and merits, too

220   When he arrived and made it like a zoo.

      He aimed his weapon at all those assembled

      Who to Mister B the least resembled,

      But unsuccessful in his quest for Joe

      (That he had left, poor Dino did not know)

225   Arnel went on a rampage with his grapes

      And jumped onstage in tennis shoes and cape,

      Stanford baseball cap, dress shirt and tie,

      Casual shorts, and ventilator dry.

      He screamed for Jozee's neck into the house

230   (the ire of many patrons he aroused)

      Then paced off angrily into the pit

      And noticed several people throwing fits.

      "What's wrong with homos in the military?"

      Karla pondered, "So what if they're fairies?"

235   "Bad mistake, I say," spoke sisters Hodges.

      "What would happen in enlisted lodges?

      Can you picture Dino in the army?"

      Karla said "Well, that's a bit alarming.

      But-- Arnel, you'd never join the Navy."

240   Then Arnel replied, "Actually, maybe."

      Therefore Karla 'n' Sharon did agree

      When Biddinger tramped in unhappily.

      "So, Arnel, you know some martial arts!

      Now what's this picture of me with the hearts?"

245   Dino ran outside but in his haste

      His baseball hat and tie flew off his waist

      I was speaking; hot air from my breath

      Carried his access'ries to their death

      The hat from Stanford hit good ole Mark Walker

250   While the tie made Garza like a stalker.

      Joining forces, Dino met his doom,

      Chased outside into a meeting room.


      The Tale of Ben Uy

      Here I'll tell you how his quest began

      Of Arnel Dino's mighty master plan.

255   From the alphabet's tail end he started,

      Lest at the beginning he be thwarted.

      There you see's the place where there is found

      The ex-Spectacular Sultan of Sound

      And Giles or Mr Lundie called I him,

260   In hoping he would do my every whim.

      Unlike the other Thespians, however,

      Ben did spoil a few of my endeavors.

      Persevering nary with a groan

      After fifty hours of hambone,

265   Much too friendly with the folks on crew,

      Lifting spirits I had worked to blue...

      So I woke up Arnel in Bio class

      And told him he could kiss some fatter ass

      If only he'd salute me in this place.

270   (In haste he hit the left side of his face)

      He told me he'd track down my foes of three:

      The first of all to go would be Uy.


      Arnel discovered Ben at school that day,

      And following, he would not go away.

275   That day poor Ben was not alone at all,

      Not even eating dinner with John Paul.

      Arnel did chase him morning, noon, and night,

      Not even stopping once to pick a fight.

      Now Ben did sight a chance for his escape

280   At auditions running then so late.

      Arnel espied him memorizing rote,

      Then sighted flying at him Bio notes!

      Arnel's own notes came whizzing down the way,

      And flung him on the ground without delay.

285   But though the notes were slippery with drool,

      Arnel had done this all before at school.

      He jumped back up and entered the foyer,

      Preparing to audition for the play.

      And though the latter Thespian was cut,

290   From Mrs Dino I received a glut,

      Of calls, and so to further my revenge

      Arnel did work the play for months on end.


      The day did come when "Encore!" shows began;

      Despite the blackout, onstage Dino ran

295   To find his "Dav'd 'n' Lisa" costume bitty

      Didn't quite fit in in River City.

      As the "Trouble" orat'ry begins,

      Dino trips upon a mannequin.

      This angered him, as much as in "West Side":

300   It stung his ego, battering his pride.

      So, viciously, he took a two-by-four

      And with a groan he crashed it to the floor.

      Again he struck the mannequin as said,

      But it recoiled-- and struck him in the head!

305   Now this produced a chain reaction awesome,

      That made Arnel perhaps a tad less boss-some.

      The mannequin struck Dino at his ear,

      And his unplugged headset disappeared

      (He talked into the fixture off and on

310   To prove he'd more experience than Dawn

      Even though the headset was unplugged,

      Making Dino look like he was drugged).

      As said, the headset flew into the air

      Into the wings and instruments put there.

315   A theatre lamp did shatter all at once;

      Arnel sat staring, acting like a dunce.


      The desecration angered Edward Huber

      In divine array he saw the blooper

      Ed appeared before the stricken boy

320   And asked him if the headset was a toy.

      Dino, frightened, begged him for his life;

      His pledge to me had caused him bitter strife.

      And Ed, now understanding, offered him

      A chance at freedom from his deadly whim.

325   "If you answer one of questions three,

      You can go and I will let you be.

      But if you fail to answer you will go

      Up to the cast, for you ruined their show!"

      Arnel gave thanks, and vict'ry would be here

330   For he had been a techie for four years.

      Then Ed asked first of deadly questions three:

      "The light you shattered, Mister Arnel D--

      In six words, do tell me of its kind,

      Its gel, and power source, if you don't mind."

335   Arnel sat, thinking of the kinds of lights:

      Floods, fresnels, and ellipsoidal types.

      Curse! The gel could be so many colors!

      Perhaps a bastard amber or one duller...

      Curse! So skip them-- but the power source?

340   He for being lazy felt remorse.

      "No answer? Listen up! Answer to me:

      How many dimmers on the light banks three?"

      "Anteproscenium!" did Dino think,

      How once he'd climbed the ladder in a wink.

345   But dimmers? outlets? meant nothing to him,

      For time had made his tech know-how quite dim.

      And Ed was angry at incompetence

      And thought of hitting Dino with a lens,

      But Ed calmed down-- to hit Arnel a lens with

350   Wastes good glass and would be quite expensive.

      "Just one more chance, Arnel, you get today:

      To act you need to earn what GPA?"

      Arnel did jump as if a wire live:

      "I've worked here with a trifling 1-3-5!"

355   "Incorrect and automatic F!

      Savage, it's C that you must get!"

      With that, Huber raised his mighty hand

      And summoned cast and crew across the land.

      "Get this heathen one out of my sight!

360   Go seize his limbs and cast him to the night!"

      So cast and crew did bind him with some braces,

      NASA hat and Reebok Pump shoelaces,

      Picked him off the narrow flyrail bar,

      Took him out and locked him Joe's car.


      The Tale of Jason Cho

365   So thus did Dino get to Jozee's auto

      Odds of which do parallel the Lotto.

      Back to where the story discontinued:

      Dino chased into a classroom venue.

      Back inside that meeting room so dismal:

370   Dino knew that he had been abysmal.

      "That's 0 for 2" I noted as he panted

      And no one could say that I was slanted

      If I said he'd better do much better

      Locking up The Editor in fetters.

375   So he looked from ceiling to the floor,

      Blackboard, podium and open door.

      He sighted Jason sitting at the fore

      Expounding on his Junior Statesmen lore.


      But Dino was distracted as came in

380   A number of young women he had been

      Approaching unsuccessfully for years;

      Now he had them all, to his own fears.

      As he sadly tried to flirt, however,

      Dino left alone his first endeavor,

385   Letting Jason secretly depart

      While of the geek did Arnel play the part.

      Rejected by two hundred girls or more,

      His monstrous ego sinking through the floor--

      A list of those whom Dino's been refused

390   Begins with Aleh, ending but with Yoon,

      Colette, Kristine, and Lorilee included,

      For some girl on Prodigy he brooded,

      Dino was no friend of Heather F, of

      Bonnie, Claire, or Jennifer LuPresto...

395   Arnel thought Nat'lie went out with Mark Spitz;

      Jocelyn knew his place was in the pits...

      Well by the time he finished, Cho was gone,

      Using plans he and his friends'd drawn

      In case Arnel would seek to recompense

400   The tales behind his back he sold for cents.

      Dejected, stained by lunchtime bombs from birds,

      Arnel read through the text of "JSA Nerd,"

      Thinking it referred to Cho, not he,

      He picked up his spirits and did flee.


405   Utterly rejected, Arnel came,

      And asked for my forgiveness in his shame,

      And feeling sorry for his bitter plight,

      I told him he'd work props for me that night.

      And then I'd call at home old Jason Cho,

410   Tell him all about the Thespian show,

      Warn him that Arnel was there with props

      And that from the roster he'd be dropped.

      Then I'd beg and cry for his assistance,

      (To a woman he had no resistance),

415   Telling him I was afraid Arnel

      Any profits from the show would quell,

      Got McCoy to talk to him at school,

      Told him Arnel Dino'd be his tool.

      Then I told Arnel the tale; he beamed

420   And every crooked tooth within him gleamed

      I told him props would be a living hell

      With many thanks for all your help, Arnel.


      And so the Centipede came to rehearsal

      Where he was to meet his last reversal.

425   Tried to break his spirit, yes indeed,

      I tripped him on the stairs and made him bleed

      I yelled for props that were already out

      And filled his brain with org'nizat'nal doubt,

      Had Arnel misplace what he had sorted,

430   Eat up all the mints that he had hoarded,

      Had Michelle Deluca burn his notes

      'Fore I asked him for the things he wrote.

      A few more weeks would I make Jason suffer,

      Knowing he took aspirin unbuffered...

435   Dragged him down for Costa Mesa props,

      Made him carry in a hundred drops.

      Halfway through the show the boy had cracked--

      Amidst cheerleaders' boxes he had stacked,

      Lost control of self, or so I thought--

440   His nervous breakdown act was what I bought.

      (It turns out he'd become a decent actor,

      With my drama class-- and friends-- a factor)


      Meanwhile, Dino saw this and got worried

      That he would be useless in a hurry.

445   Crying out "My man is down!" he rushed

      Into the meeting of the club now hushed

      "All of you, be quiet; I'll be brief--

      Now listen to your Transportation Chief!"

      Ignored, he tried again, "You laugh now, but

450   If you don't help, I'll tell Jim you're a slut!"

      And so he spoke and went to every legion

      Of the Junior State, and every region

      Making speeches, giving bad advice,

      But even those who to Arnel were nice

455   Refused to take a part in Dino's scheme,

      Thinking he desir'd his own regime.

      Some, rememb'ring-- personal attacks,

      Dino's comments, gossiping no facts--

      Spat into his face, or just tiraded

460   As before convention he paraded.

      People Arnel talked of for no reason--

      'Gainst Jim Finsten he had plotted treason,

      Don, Tatum and Bonnie, Janet Lee,

      Yuth and Eric, Lisa, Ryan Schley,

465   Azzie, Jonah, Mary, Jennifer,

      Aarom Bloom who had gone out with her,

      Finally, Melinda and her friends

      All tormented Dino to no end.

      Meanwhile Jason's act was long since ended,

470   Scheming, now Arnel would off be fended

      Turning all he knew against Arnel,

      Hard on Dino's head the hammer fell.

      For Arnel returned to find him gone:

      Gullible Arnel had been so wrong!

475   Fearing for his life, he ran outside

      And went into the library to hide.


      The Conclusion

      Dino to Ms Engelman did fly,

      Knowing that she'd shelter any guy

      Who came within a hundred yards of her

480   To listen to her strange and pointless blurbs.

      Dashing up the stairs past Mrs V,

      Hapless Dino bumped into Mike B,

      Expeditiously knocked to the wall,

      Dino slumped as seniors mocked his fall,

485   But knowing ACE would soon be on his trail,

      Vowed that for himself he would not fail.

      Afraid his JSA rep would precede him,

      He withdrew so nothing could impede him.

      Hiding, pondering his many flubs,

490   Dino found himself among the scrubs.

      Wide-eyed anxious eager-to-please freshmen

      Were impressed by any "upperclassman."

      So Arnel did find a group of friends

      Who swore to follow him to unknown ends.

495   He raised his arms and cried for final battle,

      Leading frosh to slaughter as if cattle,

      Building armor strong with Stanford caps,

      Tennis shoes and tie with formal slacks,

      Weapons, too, of canes and two-by-fours,

500   Cups of Coke (and Pepsi) at the doors,

      By eye-crusty notebooks they were shielded,

      Gray-hair deco orthodontics wielded.


      Meanwhile on the side of competence,

      They had but begun to make defense

505   ACE revealed the tools they had in store

      That he would be bothersome no more.

      First they cut all phone lines to the school

      (For keeping out his mother was a rule).

      Then they paved a road between their fences--

510   Open only to the drivers licensed.

      Last of all a maze that curved and bent,

      None could cross but those intelligent.

      Few offensive weapons they did mount,

      Including manners, tact, and campus clout,

515   Usefulness, intelligence, beauty,

      Athleticism, humor, E-T-C.

      Yet as the Junior State and Tri-School gathered,

      Space Camp sent Arnel some extra blathers.

      Etiquette books came from his home on Mars,

520   Clearasil was sent, a hundred jars.

      Reinforced-- disorganized but large,

      Dino's forces called a hefty charge.

      At the front he occupied the bleachers,

      Having won the pity of the teachers.


525   So across the campus they did face,

      Dino in the southwest took his place.

      With the cafeteria and gym,

      Locker rooms and library within.

      Normalcy camped off to the northeast,

530   Taking theater, chem lab, and some priests.

      For another hour all was quiet;

      Even hungry seagulls would not try it.

      Peace across the quad was like the night,

      Moments 'fore the perilous food fight.

535   Then a yell and Dino pushed his luck,

      Made assault and like a Mighty Duck

      Was fast repelled, but Allies did not bust him--

      Dino's hideout was too much repulsive.

      At a second time, the juniors charged

540   (On the battle scene they'd lately barged),

      Taking all the allies by surprise

      That some upperclassmen would devise

      A plan to split the anti-Dino forces--

      Half the class of ninety-four joined forces

545   With Arnel and anarchy besides

      (They're the ones who'd been giving him rides).

      So the anti-Dino coalition

      Broke apart under the foul sedition.

      And the underclassmen charged again,

550   Taking back the swimming pool and then

      Laying siege to Barbie's sacred palace,

      Where she'd wanted to erect a phallus

      (Big on monumental works was she;

      Many had been built by ASB).

555   But his forces quickly changed direction

      When they stared at Arnel D's reflection

      Shining in her office ceiling mirror

      (Messerle thought none than herself dearer).

      Claiming for himself the battle's banner,

560   In his usual self-important manner,

      He returned to studies for the day

      Hoping he would pass a test by May.

      (Dino-flagellation he knew well;

      Of other classes I can later tell)

565   This gave God a chance to join the camp,

      Bringing with himself a mighty lamp.

      Like Aladdin's miracle worker gold,

      This one held within it pow'rs untold.

      Stenciled on the side appeared to be

570   A great big sign that read "REALITY";

      And to this Arnel could not resist

      Always this had been the thing he missed.

      Soon ancien regime at Servite High

      Was swift restored and Dino had to fly.

575   He was overtaken halfway home,

      Brought to trial as I began this poem.

      Sentenced to be haunted by himself,

      Dino was reduced but an elf,

      Locked up in self-pity at the zoo

580   'Fore he left for college (LMU).

      There Miranda and Christina K

      Taunt him harshly each and every day.

      Ah! My weapon, how it's been debased!

585   Is there no way to wage a war with ACE?

      Livid! Ah! Need theater immersal!

      (Thus came I to final dress rehearsal).

      There assembled were my dearest friends,

      Daniel Knowles who made love to rear ends,

590   Barbara Messerle with all her hair,

      Oh-- And Collins, also-- he was there.

      But the knavish class of ninety-three

      Now had played a final trick on me:

      Actors used to scurry like my pawns,

595   But at today's rehearsal they were gone!

      What to do? My strategies have failed!

      Daniel said "Let's tell each other tales."


Here ends the Arneliad.

The tale herein lives on in the Thespianbury Tales.

Other Titles by Ace

The Thespianbury Tales (The Canterbury Tales)

Ray Poppins (Mary Poppins)

Faculty (Cats)

The Big Book of Arnel Stories (3rd Edition)

Encore! (Encore!)

Despot of the Theatre (Phantom of the Opera)

Barbie and the Geek (Beauty and the Beast)

The Les Messerle Collection (solos and works in progress: Joe Betance

  Superstar, Parrish in Wonderland, Hello, Choster! and others)


We hope you enjoyed the Arneliad. Ask your representative about other titles.

   Actmaster Jozee   -   The Big Red Vice-God   -   Old Man River City