Conscious Christians

+ The Unconscious Civilization

The Conscious Christian moniker came out of a Lenten discussion series held this year, that chose to study the 1995 CBC Massey Lecture series, The Unconscious Civilization by Toronto author, John Ralston Saul (gif). The study led to a greater awareness of our roles as active participants in our societies and our moral requirement to participate. This page is dedicated to studies about Language, Democracy, and public policy from the perspective of participating faithful people in community with each other and the universe.

References and Things to do:

  1. [1997 Alternative Budget]
    For 3 years, Paul Martin and Jean Chrétien have been saying that there is no alternative. There are alternatives, and you can find out by clicking above.

  2. [Paul Martin] Send a Fax to this guy and let him know what you think of his budget!!!!!

  3. Fax Fax your Favourite Federal MP or Senator.
  4. Socially Active in Ottawa. Here is a list of Social and Activist organizations in Canada's National Capital Region. (just started so incomplete)

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