This is My Creed

In the interest of saving space and loading time, I've decided to keep this page, and my politics page, free of graphics (at least that is currently my intent)

Please do also note that everything I write in this page is based completely on my own opinion and world-view. I may state something as fact which is completely opionion or biased-based. This, I feel is my right, as I am the one writing this. Ok, so I sound a bit haughty...well, I try. *grin* Please also note that I am not a fan of the "pat-answer." I don't like it when someone gives me an answer that they heard someone else give, and I also don't like it when someone bases all of their beliefs on someone else's translation/interpretation of scripture and the world. So, everything you get here will be Josh-based, pure and simple.

  • What religion does this freak believe?
  • Ok, to put it simply and plainly, I am a Bible-thumping Jesus Freak, and proud of it. I am a slightly liberal, yet often conservative. Christian who isn't afraid to speak it aloud. Granted, you won't find me screaming up a storm on a street corner at the "sinners" driving by, but if the subject comes up in conversation, be prepared...*grin*

  • Ok, who is God?
  • This is probably the most loaded question a person could ask him or herself, but I'll try anyway. I do know one thing: there is only one God, the only Creator, and only one path to Him. He is all that ever was, and all that ever will be, and we are His creation, meant to praise Him eternally.

  • And this one path?
  • Ah...the most wonderful gift God ever sent His creation -- Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Lamb...whatever you want to call him. He was God incarnated, both God and man in one, an impossibility made possible, the son of a virgin (note: NOT impregnated, ever...pure...chaste...clean). This is the guy one whose back all the guilt of the world, of every man, woman, boy, girl...everyone's sins were laid, as a final sacrifice.

  • Ok, tell me what is required to be saved...
  • One word: faith. A lot of Christians would disagree with me, but when oush comes to shove, all that matters is faith. There are many things that are NOT required for entrance into the Kindom of Heaven:

    ---1) A sinless life.
    ---2) A viceless life.
    ---3) A perfect body.
    ---4) The "perfect look."
    ---5) Baptism in water.
    ---6) Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    ---7) A special prayer.
    ---8) Constant Bible reading.
    ---9) Daily Devotions.
    ---10) The ability to heal or cast out demons.
    ---11) A clean slate.
    ---12) Going to church.

    All of these are fine and dandy in their own rights, but none of them will help you enter the Kingdom. All of them are either works or physical traits. The Bible strictly states: "For it is by faith you have been saved, not through works, so that no man can boast."

    Works won't gain you anything. Not favor with God, not a key to paridise. Only faith can get you to heaven.

  • So I don't have to work to get to heaven?
  • Correct, but this does not mean that you can believe and then continue acting as you had before. Something inside should have changed, been altered in some degree. Your works should be an outpouring of your faith, a response of gratitude. Your works are a product of faith and salvation, not a cause. As is also said in the Bible, "Faith without works is dead." Faith alone grows stagnant. A pool of water might be a pond...but if water does not run through it, it becomes stagnant and possibly poisonous if left too long. Such is our faith.

  • Ok, why Christianity?
  • I'm ofen asked why, of all the myths out there, I choose to put my faith in a myth so obtuse as Christianity. Simple: It's the only thing that makes sense. If you look hard enough, you can see the evidence of some Higher Being -- something so beyond man's ability to comprehend that it must manifest itself in physical, almost limited ways so that man may know of it. Everything you look at, in its complexity, screams out the existance of a creator. My experience and study (although limited simply by age and time) has showed enough proof for me to go along with the writings of the accepted canon in the Old and New Testament.

  • I knew it would come to this...what about the Bible?
  • Unlike what seems to be the accepted belief amoung Christians today, I feel that the Bible, in its entirety, is infallible and unchanged from its original format. I believe that all sixty-six books of the accepted canon are correct, and the Word of God, given to Spirit-led men. I believe that the Bible is completely appicable to the modern situation and is relavent enev in its current form. I believe that the God will protect His Word, and although it can be misinterpreted and twisted by fallible mankind, but its content will remain unchanged. No matter how it is translated from the original copy, its words will still mean the same.

  • Ok, what about the gender of God?
  • This is actually a fun can of worms to throw into the open...God has a gender? Of course...why else would fallible man tack on the title "Him" to such an infinite being...(sarcastic cough included). Actually, I feel that we cannot simply box the Almighty into one single gender. Although modern times and "Christian-speak" has boxed "Him" into a male role, I feel that to do so is to seriously limit God in scope. In all actuallity, God is often spoken of in three gender terms - male, female, and neuter. God is as much a female as "He" is male, and "He" is neither at the same time. Am I getting too thick yet? God is our Mother, our Father, and our best friend all rolled into one. I simply choose to use the "He" pronoun because it has become so prominent in our speech and in the speech of those before us, that the use of the "She" article would cause confusion. However, I have no problem referring to God as a "She" when referring to "Her" "feminine" qualities.

  • What about the role of women in the marriage?
  • This one is a hard topic to discuss...there is much to be misread and misquoted, that I have to be careful of the very ground I tread upon. Honestly, I am not in full agreement with either of the purist sides of this issue. Biblically, I feel that it is a precept, set by God himself, that the man is set up as the head of the household. The term "head" does not translate, in my vocabulary, as "dictator," "supreme ruler," or "slavemaster." Yes, the wife is intended to be a companion and servant to the husband, but the same is expected of the husband. It is an equal partnership that should be cherished and upheld. It has always been my belief (and I hope to be able to live up to this standard) that it is the job of the husband to make it possible for the wife to accomplish her dreams. This is not to say that the wife cannot be self sufficient, or that a woman is unable to be so, but rather that it should not rest on her shoulders to carry the fiscal weight of the household. I also believe that it is virtually impossible for a man to exist and sustain himself fully without a female counterpart, and vice-versa. Something would always be missing. I am certain this is probably a narrow veiw, but hey...I'm allowed to have a few of those, right?

  • What's up with all these denominations?
  • Honestly, I can't tell you's rather sad that the Church has had to break up ovber petty differences in beliefs. One person decides that another cannot be a Christian, and so breaks off to form a new formation of the faith. I find it harder and harder to actually associate myself with specific denomination, because many actually attack other denominations. Thank heaven God is not nearly as picky as we Christians are. If it were us at the throne on the Final Judgement day, I doubt ANYONE would get in...I don't know if there is a solution to the problem. All I can say is that I'm glad I have found a group of Christians to fellowship with from all walks of life, from all denominations and from all creeds. This is what I believe was Christ's original intent when he set up the Church. It is not Church which saves you, and neither is it going to a specific Church. Chuch is supposed to be a gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • And what is your position of Homosexuality in the Church?
  • The following will probably get me labeled "bigot," "hatemonger," and "closed-minded," but in all actuallity, I don't care...

    Homosexuality is pointed out in the scriptures as a sin. Period. No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. This means that living a life of homosexuality is a sin. This, however, does not mean that the homosexual cannot be a Christian. It means, then, that the practicing homosexual Christian is living a life of sin. I see nowhere else I can go with this. It's very black and white with me...

    This will grow as I see fit...time permitting...just give it time...
    Some stuff I'm planning on putting in:

    All of the above opinons are purely my own and are not necessarily the opinons of George Fox University, the Free Methodist Denomination, the Republican National Committee,or any other group I am affiliated with. They are purely my own based on personal belief, study, and formulation. Feel free to use any of the above text as you wish, I only ask that it remain in its present form, and that you inform me of its use.
    Are there any specific subjects you would like me to cover?
    Write me at

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    (c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
    The contents of this page are original works of Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.