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Hi, my name is Josh Smith. So, you want to know some stuff about me? Well, I'll try to accommodate you as best as I can...
Name: Joshua D. Smith
Age: 21 and still going!!! (October 21)
Height: 5'5" (I know, I'm short)
Weight: is that safe to say? Hmmm...ok...185lbs of raw, fresh, muscular, me...*as all the girls swoon by the power of my inflated ego...*grin*
Gender (for those unfortunate souls who can't tell): Male
School: I'm a Graduating Senior at George Fox University - the world's best school ever!!! =-)
Major: Writing/Lit (17 credits to a BA)
Interests: Computers, Drama, Music (I'm a singer myself...), the Olympics, Politics, and anything that goes boom...
Significant Other: Single yet again...*sigh*
Religion: I'm a Christian, but I do not feel that denomination is important...but for informational reasons, I'm a member of the Free Methodist Church
Political Standpoint: Semi-fundamentalist (yet somewhat liberal...I don't know how I live with myself), Conservative Christian. A Rush Limbaugh fan to boot!!! =-)
Ok, now that I've laid out the facts for you, here's the scoop in a nicer format: I'm a Christian guy who likes to have fun. Although I'm not new to the net, I am new to HTML. This is my first attempt at making a homepage...
I am always interested in listening to people, and always try to have a word of encouragement handy if needed. Are you having problems? Let me know, I'll give you a hand. Just write me at
Ok, here's some pictures of me, to give you a good idea about who this guy "Josh" really is:
Josh's Wonderful Picture Page
So, what do you think of my page? Any links not working, or does some strange blob appear at the corner? Or would you like me to link to your page? If so, let me know at this address, ok?
If you would like to see exactly how I've evolved over the past few years, go to this link here
(c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this page are original works of Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.