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Stay Alive All Your Life
by Norman Vincent Peale

The Magnificient Power of Belief
How to Believe
1. Believe
2. As you train your mind to believe, everything tends to move out of the area of the impossible into that of the possible.
3. Never compare yourself or your achievements with others, but make your comparisons only with yourself.
4. A sign of mental health is to be glad when others achieve, and to rejoice with them.
5. Failure lies in not being naive enough to practice the power of faith.
6. Make your life what you want it to be through belief in God and in yourself.
7. Start living by faith, pray earnestly and humbly, and get into the habit of looking expectantly for the best.
8. Get your life right in terms of God's laws.
9. Be sure your goals are spiritually sound.
10. Think, believe, visualize success.
11. Keep on believing as long as you live.
Enthusiasm can do wonders for you
Practice calmness and quietness.
Do something everyday for somebody.
Pray with thanksgiving.
Flush negatives out of the mind with enthusiasm and optimism.
1. Look for interest and romance in the simplest things about you.
2. Enlarge your view of your own God-given capacities. Within the limit of humility develop a good opinion of yourself.
3. Diligently practice eliminating all dull, dead, unhealthy thoughts so that your mind may be freshened up and capable of developing enthusiasm.
4. Daily affirm enthusiasm. As you think it, talk it, and live it, you will have it.
5. Practice daily relaxation to keep your mind and spirit from getting tired. Enthusiasm is a characteristic of the vigorously alert.
6. Act enthusiastic, for as you act you tend to be.
7. Allow no sense of guilt to take the luster off your spirit. It's the greatest of all causes of ennui.
8. Keep the creative channel open between God and yourself, remembering that enthusiasm is "entheos" meaning "God within."
9. Keep spiritually virile and alive.
10. Give all you've got to life and it will give its greatest gifts to you. It will never grow dull.
How to conquer your frustrations and be creative
1. Decide that you honestly want emotional self-control.
2. Pracice peaceful thinking. With practice you will find it easier, more natural.
3. Instead of letting frustration irritate you, try to understand other people objectively, what makes them the way they are.
4. Set apart a period of quietness daily.
5. Each day practice relaxing muscular tensions.
6. Before going to bed, flush out of your mind the bad emotions.
7. Look to God for help in substituting calmness for irritation.
8. Do the best you can and leave the results to God. Then it will work out for the best.
Kill worry and live longer
Worry may be described as a spasm of the emotions in which the mind takes hold of a thought or obsession, clutches it spasmodically, and will not let it go. To break its hold one must gently, but forcibly, insinuate a healthier and stronger idea into the mind's convulsive grasp. This stronger idea is that of faith in God. When faith, rather than fear, becomes your obsession, you will master worry.
Picture yourself as boldly attacking and overcoming your fears. Picturized concepts in the conscious mind will, if reiterated, impress themselves deeply within the subconscious.
You can have power over your difficulties
You are not defeated, though it may be you think you are.
By the help of God you can overcome your difficulties and live a vital and victorious life. Never settle for less. You do not need to. When the full strength potential within you is mustered you have sufficient power to deal with any difficulty.
Think big; and powerful forces are released.
Believe big; faith and effort generate dynamic creative power.
Pray big; God will grant big things if you ask for them and are big enough to receive them.
Act big; only the biggest plans are really easy.
You can have life if you want it
1. Admit that you want to feel wholly alive. Everyone does.
2. Realize that life is full of the overcoming of sorrow and trouble.
3. Get outside of yourself.
4. Live in the present.
5. Put animation into your daily work.
6. Seek inspiration: in books, friends, music, art, travel.
7. Interest is a measure of aliveness.
8. "To know God is to live."
Stop being tired-live energetically
1. Through your thought and faith, keep attached to God, the source of all energy.
2. Avoid the gray sickness: half awake, half asleep; half alive, half dead.
3. Realize that energy sags when your thoughts sag, so vigilantly keep your thinking alert.
4. Think of yourself as a child of God, a constant recipient of His gifts of boundless health, energy, and vitality.
5. Avoid the concepts of "growing old and feeble." Picture the youthfulness of your spirit as resisting the aging process.
6. Empty your mind every night as you empty your pockets. Before going to bed forgive everybody, naming those forgiven. Leave the past in the past, and believe that God watches over you as you sleep.
7. Slow down and keep the even rhythm of God.
8. Train your mind to block off worry and frustration, two attitudes which siphon off energy.
9. Affirm that God's constantly renewing energy flows through your being giving you sufficient vitality to live effectively.
Learn from mistakes-and make fewer
1. Do not pessimistically assume that having made a mistake there is no hope, that a mistake means ruin.
2. Calmly and objectively examine your mistake. Learn all you can from it. Then move away from it with a new know-how.
3. Get psychological insight into the underlying causes of your mistake-tendency.
4. Increase your spiritual understanding. This will displace error from your mind by an intake of truth through prayer and faith.
5. Do not continue to hold mental images of past mistakes for that may stimulate repetition of the error.
6. Get your personality organized and your thoughts tightened up. Effective thinking and action will result.
7. Keep your efficiency high by stopping the leakeges of power caused by fear, inferiority, etc.
8. Recondition your mental equipment by a daily reading program designed to fill your mind with the constructive thoughts of men who teach truth, not error.
9. Keep studying, keep trying. Always believe you can learn to do better. Constantly seek for self-improvement. Never believe you have arrived.
10. Apply the supreme personal test at all times, "Am I a right person?" If you are "right" things tend to go right.
Why be tense? How to adjust to stress
1. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)
2. Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)
3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isaiah 26:3)
4. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
Your life can be full of joy
When you love people you are happy.
If you have God in your heart, nothing bothers you, nothing discourages you. You are just happy, that is all.
Think joy, talk joy, practice joy, share joy, saturate your mind with joy, and you will have the time of your life all your life. And what's more, you will stay alive as long as you live.
Process of absorbtion of joyful thoughts tend to displace unhappy ones.
The constant saying of a joyful thought will change you to harmonize with it. In time you tend to become what you think and say.
List all the joyful facts of your life. Read the list frequently to remind yourself the reasons for your joy.
Try to bring joy to as many people as possible. It is a curious fact that you get joy out of giving it; you lose joy by selfishly trying to keep it.
Try to see the joyful side of life. One must see the pain of life with clear eyes, and help all he can; but there is also lots of joy, and one should see that, too.
Get into the habit of acting joyful in a normal and reasonable manner.
Lift your depression and live vitally
1. Identify the symptoms of depression.
Serious depression: perpetual sadness, slow reaction of mind and body, morbid and bitter self-criticism.
Mild depression: discouragement, loneliness, disconsolateness, feelings of inferiority, getting no fun out of life.
2. Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.
3. Right eating, right exercising, right thinking, right praying, right living-these tone up vitality.
4. Practice of thought replacement can bring about spirit transfusion.
Replace each weak thought with a strong one.
Replace each negative thought with a positive one.
Replace each hate thought with a loving one.
Replace each gloomy thought with a lifted one.
Peace of mind-your source of power and energy
1. Conserve your energy, i.e. don't race your motor.
a. Do not rush-work, eat, and play leisurely.
b. Do not get overtired at work or play.
c. Be moderate in eating, drinking, smoking, working-everything you do.
d. Do not hesitate to refuse to take on unimportant, burdensome tasks.
2. Stay calm and serene. Do not fret or worry or allow yourself to become unnecessarily involved in situations fraught with emotion.
a. The past is past.
b. Do your best today and let it go at that.
c. Do not be apprehensive of tomorrow-it will take care of itself-most worries never come to pass.
d. Put your trust in God and forget all fear. He has a plan for you and in such a situation who can be against you?
You can have peace of mind and with it the power to live more effectively.
How to feel well and have vibrant health
1. Send for your minister even as you call your doctor when illness comes.
2. Believe in healing Grace of Christ and affirm that it is operating in you.
3. Think of your body as the temple of the soul and treat it with respect.
4. Empty out all resentment and hate.
5. Pray for your doctor that he may have healing skill as a servant of the Great Physician.
6. Keep body, mind, and soul spiritually tuned up by daily periods of exercise and thanksgiving.
7. Visualize health and wholeness and entertain no sick thoughts about yourself or loved ones.
8. Believe that God, who creates, can also re-create, and think of the re-creative process as operating within you at all times.
9. Study and practice the spiritual rules of health contained in the Bible.
10. Remember the famous statement of Ambroise Pare, one of the most noted physicians of Europe, "Je le pansay, Dieu le guarit"-"I dressed him, God cured him."
Self-Confidence and dynamic achievement
1. Cultivate "the strength of belief."
2. Shift your thoughts from the things that are against you and focus them on the vast power that is for you.
3. The very moment you decide that nothing shall defeat you, from that instant nothing can defeat you.
4. Surrender yourself to God.
Living above pain and suffering
Du Nouy said pain has it purpose: "Without...suffering...man does not really humanize himself nor liberate his spiritual aspirations. It is because of this that pain is fruitful..."
1. Even as pain may be removed by faith, so it may be endured by faith.
2. Hold a mental image of yourself as healthy and vigorous.
3. The secret of life isn't in what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.
4. God never lays a burden or a pain upon us that He does not give us equivalent strength to bear it.
5. As difficult as it is, pain is not without value.
6. It isn't all-important what the condition of your body is; the important factor is the condition of your mind and soul.
7. There is an enormous power in the human spirit to rise above pain and suffering when the spirit is determined.
8. You have the right to ask God to take away or reduce your pain.
9. Complete giving of the self to God is the most effective way of gaining that inner peace and sense of Divine love that takes pain away.
Live Forever
Life is filled with uncertainties; fogs of doubt, dismal and shadowy fears sometime obscure the landmarks of our faith. Simply put your trust in God and in the deep instincts of your own nature. Read the Bible, pray, and fill your life with love and goodness. Have faith in the accuracy and dependability of your spiritual instruments. They will guide you through the overcasts of this life to a perfect landing in that beautiful land beyond.

God Loves You; So Do I
All Things Are Possible to him that believes.
Mark 9:23
Maintained by:Vasu Rajan 
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