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Well, after a year and a half absence, check out my homepage, newly christened: Digital Aether.
This site is also due for a major overhaul. Smaller graphics(which means quicker access/downloading of page), and a change of material(don't worry, all this will be kept up, but my political beliefs have change, and there will be links to my new politics page as well. This site will still be worked on, as I will add new content that pertains to libertarianism.
F*ed Up Central Komedy Who knows what lurks in the minds of stoned people? I DO!!!
Quick guide to what's in each section:
Politics contains info on Libertarian Party, Presidential candidate, and other such things.
Extropian contains info on mind-uploading, nano-technology, de chardin, and more... Not all up yet.
Drugs has information on Marijuana, links to drugs pages, Christians and marijuana, and more. I don't have much yet, but I hope to add more.
Reference has links to many references... Well, not many yet, but I promise to add them. My site is growing every week, if only by a little.
Net contains info on Libertarians and technology, including but not limited to: freedom of speech, encryption, and direct democracy...
Rants has just ramblings I've written about certain topics, such as Christians and pot, and net censorship... There'll be more of these as time goes along. You can also find them in their respective categories...(For now, they can be found in the "reference" page)
New shows all the things that I've added in the past week or since I last updated... To find out what's new, stop here...
Misc are things that I couldn't figure out where to put... But they belong on this page somewhere...
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This page was last updated July 26th, 1996
(visit the "new" page to find out what's going on with this site...)Oh, and don't forget to send me a line