Hello !
The Science quiz is a multiple choice type quiz about the
sciences. Physics, biology, chemistry and even a bit of filosophy all
play their part. The questions were originally the "National Science quiz
": here in the Netherlands and Belgium. I translated them and made them into a JavaScript program.
This is why the quiz can only be done using Netscape Navigator 2.0 or better at this moment: best with Internet Explorer 3.0 .
- You can answer the questions by pushing the A B or C. buttons.
- The answers are then submitted; that is: sent by e-mail and put in the Guestbook.
- Then you can take a look at the correct answers and you can compare your results with the other contestants in the Guestbook.... Are you a Science Genius.... ?
Start the Science Quiz !
View the Science Quiz Guestbook&Topscore page
Find out who's a Science Quiz Genius, a Wiz-kid or not even a "Braino"....
Find out more about the Science Quiz if you're interested in JavaScript programs.
Visitors: since
juli 27th '96 according to
Please vote for us in the Geocities' "Page of the Day"
competition ! (all the others did ;=))
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