Tracy Todd Pearson
5261 Highland Road, #209
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(504) 766-9332


To obtain positions and assignments as a freelance writer, editor, web page designer and instructor


Louisiana State University, Manship School of Mass Communication
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mass Communication, pursuing a Master of Mass Communication (M.M.C.)
Dates of attendance: January 1995 - Present
Expected date of graduation: December 1997
Cumulative G.P.A.: 3.9

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California
Dates of attendance: September 1990 - June 1993
Degree received: B. A. in Anthropology, June 1993


Freelance Writing
Towery Publishing and the Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce
July 1997-Present
Writing, rewriting and editing/verifying the 1998 Greater Baton Rouge Newcomer's Guide.

Part-Time Instructor
Louisiana State University, Manship School of Mass Communication
June 1997-Present
Instructor for an undergraduate course in visual communication. Teach all aspects of visual communication, including page layout and design, photojournalism, typography, non-linear video editing and web page design. Also instruct students in various visual communication computer software, including Quark XPress, Freehand, Photoshop and web page authoring tools. A syllabus and class information is available online.

Freelance Writing
Done for Web Guide Magazine
June 1997
Wrote website review articles scheduled for publication in upcoming issues.

Guide/Webmaster "Art for Kids" Web Site
The Mining Co.
April 1997 - Present

Create and maintain a web site on the topic of "Art for Kids" for the Mining Co.'s (a division of General Internet Corp.) network of sites. Duties include HTML, graphics design and creation and writing weekly features about children's art appreciation.

Teaching and Research Assistant
Louisiana State University, Manship School of Mass Communication
January 1995 - June 1996 and January 1997 - May 1997
Latest assistantship assignment was as lab instructor and computer lab assistant for visual communication classes. Duties of the assistantship have included instructing and assisting students in the use of Quark XPress, Freehand, Corel Photopaint, Adobe Photoshop, presentation graphics, nonlinear video editing, word processing, the use of scanners and general computer skills. Other duties of the assistantship have included lectures on topics such as the Internet, Windows and grading student papers. Past assistantship duties have included assisting professors with various types of research and performing other administrative duties.

Lab Instructor
Dow Jones Minority Newspaper Workshop
Louisiana State University, Manship School of Mass Communication
June 1996
Instructed students participating in the Dow Jones Minority Newspaper Workshop in the use of the Internet, Quark XPress and page layout. Guided students in the page layout, page design and production of the newspaper produced during the workshop.

Office Temporary
Kelly Temporary Services and Norrell Temporary Services
June 1996 - September 1996
Duties of the office temporary assignments included word processing, the use of Microsoft Excel to produce reports and graphs and maintaining contact with the sales staff. Other assignment duties included page layout using PageMaker to produce product catalog and description sheets.

Student Intern
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine
Office of Student and Public Relations
January 1996 - July 1996

Duties of the internship included planning, researching and writing articles for the alumni newsletter of the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine.

Freelance Writer
Louisiana State University Gumbo Yearbook
September 1995 - December 1995
Freelance writing for the Gumbo included generating story ideas, and interviewing, researching and composing stories for the Louisiana State University yearbook.

Copy Editor and Staff Writer
Irvine Valley College Voice
January 1994 - June 1994
Duties included editing all newspaper copy, writing headlines and page design as well as creating story ideas and researching and writing stories.

Office Temporary
Kelly Temporary Services and Volt Temporary Services
Orange County, California
1992 - 1994
Worked as an office temporary. Held positions with a large number of major Orange County companies, including Western Digital, Kraft Foods, Beckman Instruments, Canon Computers and UNOCAL. Most assignments were administrative in nature, including duties such as administrative support, word processing, task organization, audio transcription, data entry, processing of bills, event planning and general office functions. These tasks required a high level of organizational skills, patience and superior interpersonal skills.

Computer Skills

Possess more than 13 years of computer experience. Extremely computer literate (IBM and Macintosh) and able to utilize and instruct students in a large variety of software applications including the following, as well as others:

Quark XPress
Corel Photopaint
Microsoft Access
Windows 3.1 and 95
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Publisher
Harvard Graphics

Also possess knowledge of the Internet, including knowledge of advanced HTML and Java, imagemaps, embedded sound, forms, and .gif animation. Well versed and comfortable with World Wide Web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer. Able to use a scanner and comfortable with various other computer equipment.

Use page design, graphics skills, and visual communication background to create clean, classic well-designed web pages.

Able to use and instruct non-linear video editing.

Presentations and Publications

Pearson, Tracy Todd. "Public Relations Agencies on the Web: a Content Analysis and Survey." in Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, by the International Academy of Business Disciplines, Abbass F. Alkhafaji and Jerry Biberman, eds. Maryland: University Press of America, Inc., 1996, 734-738.

I presented this paper at the annual conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines in Rockville, Maryland in April 1996.

Have also published numerous articles in college and university media, as well as in La Veterinaire, the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Science alumni newsletter. Clips are available upon request.


Vice-President, Louisiana State University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists for 1996 - 1997. Past President, 1995 - 1996.

Member, Louisiana State University Mass Communication Association of Graduate Students, (MCAGS,) 1995 - Present.

Member, the International Academy of Business Disciplines, 1996 - Present.

Member, the HTML Writer's Guild, February 1997 - Present


A portforlio of clips and page design samples is available upon request. For samples of web page design, please visit the following pages:

The Louisiana State University Society of Professional Journalists Student Chapter
LSU Undergraduate Mass Communication Course MC 2015 - Visual Communication
Coming Home - Favorite Places: An Interactive Online Art Exhibit (under heavy construction)


References are available upon request.

Please contact me by e-mail or at the phone number or address above.

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This page last updated 7/3/97.

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