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Jeremy Rifkin refers to contemporary times as the ‘Age of Access’. He observes that unlike the prior industrial epoch that served the human physical being, the Age of Access caters to the mental, emotional and spiritual facades of the human condition. 

In this light, Rifkin identifies significant changes to developed nations’ economies. He indicates that these economies are transforming their consumption patterns of goods and services. In turn, this is radically redefining the economies. There are clear implications for emerging creative industry sectors that thrive on the exchange of innovative ideas and the embodiment of these in related economic and cultural experiences in time and space. My doctoral research considers existing theories of consumption to establish a background and an understanding of the changing consumption patterns in new economies. The research then examines a knowledge based industry through the application of a theoretical framework on actual data collected about the growth of one the most rapidly emerging Queensland creative industry economy in the first decade of the new millenium. 

The creative industry economy challenges enterprises to reconsider how to promote consumption of an intangible product, service or experience - and associated building of demand and supply in markets. Creative industry enterprises are experimenting the positioning of intangibles as ‘wants’ for potential consumers. They attempt to associate consumers' minds with an experience, service or tangible/intangible product as a - want. For example, relating sound, image and overall experience quality to a specific locale and time. In turn then, to a specific genre and - in turn again, to creative or appreciative senses of individual and economic identities. 

The key driver being acceptance of the experience and the consumption, purchase or promotion of the same by an individual or institution as being in vogue by opinion leaders and groups. As such, identity creation and acceptance mechanisms in a social system. Put another way, in the ‘Age of Access’, new spaces (physical, virtual and time based) are created for consumers. And co-created or developed by its very consumption. Place, political and personal based identities are created and evolving through continual consumption via - global social and technological networks (e.g. digitisation, broadband technologies, Internet exchanges, e-commerce bays, Facebooks etc). Consumption is then theorised as a process of self-actualisation, with current patterns indicating the juxtaposition and transformation of cultural and sub-cultural elements. These elements help customise commoditisation and the selling of unique experiences and locales as brands, products or identities. 

The relationships between people in the developed and developing economies and its creative industry markets become dependent on the degree of their - ‘wants’. The commodities or services then become available for consumption in spaces, locales and places, and continue to evolve even as these become their points of pilgrimage! 

Twenty years of international market and procurement research consulting and heading policy, systems and research divisions across the Americas, Australia, Singapore and rest of South East Asia have left me with some learning(s). These range from breakthroughs in consumer and organisational psychology, market research, product positioning, macro economic modelling, indexing, forecasting, procurement and supply chain analytics, associated integrated business systems - and now policy.

At the end of it all it is about human kind and how we manage uncertainty. Is there opportunity or risk in managing uncharted waters? Chaos, complexity, Benoit Mandelbrot’s fractals, jazz, quantum physics, social and technological networks, identity creation, product packaging, finding your key supplier or consumer on the ground in keenly competitive markets, forecasting, simulations, scenario building, management decision making models … all have it common … 

How much can we understand and how much can we intervene … can we create our realities from scratch … or is it all a set of cards that we creatively shuffle and re-shuffle … in quiet desperation? … or then again, in absolute amazement of how much is packed in one hand … and the influence our choices make?

There is other stuff on this site about publications, economic, business, policy issues etc. … for now, welcome to sunny Brisbane, Queensland - Australia … follow these links

