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Prayer to Lord:

"Oh! Lord, grant me the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be, and the wisdom to know what can be changed and what cannot be."

I wish all the readers a Happy 2009

Welcome to Ramanan's Hindu / Vedic Astrology Homepage.

This website has been divided into different sections, which can be accessed using the index panel on the left-hand side of this page.

Brief Introduction about me:

I am a eighty-one year old  young Indian enjoying the richness and spiritual wonder of the Great Nation, India, the country of my birth. After retiring from active service as a senior management executive in the Reserve Bank of India and NABARD and as Financial/Credit Specialist in World Bank and other United Nations Organizations like, FAO, IFAD, UNDCopy (2) of sgvrpp.JPGP etc, I have settled down at Bangalore in South India. 

I have interest in the subjects of Vedic Astrology, Hinduism, Carnatic (classical) music and Tamil language and literature. I consider it a privilege to share my knowledge in these subjects with Internet readers and am ready and willing to learn from them.

In this website, I have dealt with, besides Hinduism and Vedic Astrology, the subjects of Tamil Literature, Carnatic Classical Music, Slokas, Special Articles of interest to Senior Citizens, Wedding Rituals etc.

Marriage Dates  for Virodhi Year  (2009-10) applicable to Bangalore, Mumbai and New Delhi have been compiled and presented  in the Vedic Astrology Section. Tamil translation is also available in PDF format for Bangalore , Mumbai and New Delhi. This year,  I have added Mumbai as an additional city in this list. (To get into the tables, please click at the respective city names.)

I would welcome comments and suggestions from you on any of these topics. I would be grateful for any suggestions to improve this site, both in its content and its presentation. My ID is: sgvramanan@hotmail.com

Also kindly let me how to get in touch with you:  


-S.G.V. Ramanan




Every effort has been made to properly quote and adequately document each outside source used within this website. If there are any mistakes, I shall be obliged if you could kindly indicate the corrections.

Important Note:

All contents on Ramanan's Hindu / Vedic Astrology Website, unless specifically noted otherwise, are copyright (c) 1995-2001, S.G.V. Ramanan, Bangalore, India. All HTML, layout, images, styles, etc. are copyright (c) 1995-2001 by the webmaster, Rakesh Gopalan.