![]() Being raised in a Mormon family, and that family being several generations deep in the religion, I have experienced first-hand the misunderstandings most people have about our religion. After much thought, and some earnest prayers, I decided to reach out to the web and try to clear up some of the confusion. Now please bare in mind, my words are my own opinion and my own interpretation of the Gospel. Everyone may not agree with what I have to say, but please remember the purpose for this site. I will not preach, I will simply offer information and explanations on some of our beliefs as well as provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions Mormons run into. Thank you for taking the time to visit. May Heavenly Father send his spirit to be with you as you explore the rest of this site. Whether you are a member of the church or simply someone that's just a bit curious about Mormonism, I hope you find something of help to you. If there is something you have a question about that is not covered here, please feel free to email me and I will be happy to discuss it with you. I will leave you with one of my favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon.
that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:17 To receive a free copy of The Book of Mormon, with no obligation, please call toll free (within the United States and Canada) 1-888-537-7111.
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