Feast Day: January 17
Anthony was born in Egypt in the year 251AD. While still a young man, he gave away all his goods and begged an old hermit to teach him how to live a holy life. He lived the life of a hermit in the desert for many years, devoting himself to prayer and penance.
Many people came to Anthony for advice. He taught them the way to holiness. He founded a monastery and was the first Abbot to form a rule for his family of monks dedicated to Divine Service. For this reason he is called the "Patriarch of Monks."
His miracles drew so many people to him that he fled again into the desert where he lived by hard work and prayer.
In the year 305, Anthony founded a religious community of hermits who lived in separate
He died in 356 at the age of 105 years and Anthony is called the Father of monastic life.
Feast Day: January 20
Sebastian was the son of wealthy parents. He became the captain of the soldiers who guarded the Roman Emperor.
Sebastian helped the Christians who were in prison by visiting and bringing them clothing and food. Once he healed a soldier's wife by making the sign of the Cross over her. Both she and her husband asked to be baptized. He also converted a governor of Rome and many others.
Sebastian was accused of being a Christian and was to be put to death. He was tied, and soldiers shot arrows at him. That night a Christian woman,
thinking he was dead, had some men bring the martyr to her home to prepare his body for burial. But Sebastian was still alive. She cared for him until he was well again.
Sebastian went back to see the Emperor and begged him to be kind to Christians. He was arrested. This time the sentence of death was carried out. Sebastian was beaten to death with clubs and buried in the catacombs. Devotion to St. Sebastian spread rapidly, and he is mentioned in several books of the martyrs as early as 350AD.
"Book of Saints: Super-Heroes of God", by Rev. Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik, SVD,
Published by the Catholic Book Publishing, Co., New York City.
