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Thank you for serving Christ in Uganda with us, and welcome to the Team! Please let us know how we may better serve you. We do not promise you a comfortable or an easy trip, but we do offer you ministry opportunity among a needy, receptive people and a chance to see the hammer-stamp imprint of the faithfulness of our King in an “uttermost” part of the world. You will also likely learn much—perhaps about worship, contentment, yourself and the Spirit of God.
We at ACTI want to make your trip as effective as possible. Reflections upon many trips to Uganda are condensed for your assistance. Please add your suggestions in a post-trip survey. Keep in mind that some suggestions reflect our comfort levels. You will not need everything suggested. You may also find helpful suggestions and comments from the site maintained by Bob Hayes, one of our ACTI team leaders at Uganda Short-term Ministry Gruide.
The information in this manual is primarily Uganda-specific and designed for individual use. Team-building before leaving for Uganda is extremely important. For this, we recommend that all teams use Culture-Link materials, including the “Help! We’re Going On a Short-term Trip!” Leader’s Manual and Team Member’s Manual. Ten team training sessions are outlined in full detail. These are available through Culture Link, 1485 Dewberry Trail, Marietta, GA 30062, 770.973.8809. At minimum, your team should meet together at least three times before departure day. Trust the Lord through your team leader.
ACTI sees as its purpose to fulfill the following:
Ministry costs money, and you will need it! The reward for the investment is great, but not always immediate. God directs through His provision. The total fee is $3,500.00.
Make sure that you have a frequent flyer number with the airline you’re using, and then make sure that your frequent flyer number is credited with these flights. Ask a ticket agent, or call the frequent flyer phone number (British Airways Executive Club: 800.955.2748 from the U.S.; Sabena Belgian World Airlines: 800.873.3900) before you fly. To be safe, keep all boarding passes until the airline sends you a record that the miles were indeed credited to you. If you don’t hear from them within two months of your trip, check with the airline. If you wait too long (a year maximum with British Air), you will not be able to get credit. Two round-trips to Uganda may gain you a free roundtrip ticket within the US!
Check out your airport transportation vehicle ahead of time, to make sure it is in good shape. A last-minute ticket change, due to missing the plane, can cost about $300.00. Plan to arrive at the airport two hours before scheduled departure, for international flights. Make sure that your return pickup arrangements are finalized, and that your pickup party has your return airline, flight number and arrival time. Suggest that they call the airline before they come to get you, to see if your flight will arrive on time, and give them the airline phone number (British Air: 800.247.9297).
Luggage: you are allowed two 70-lb. pieces of luggage. Since the needs are so great, please fill up your limit with ministry itmes. You may take your bag to the local airport and ask to weigh the bags, bringing along extra “stuffers”, until you reach the limit. You may take a carry on bag which will fit in the overhead compartment, and a briefcase or purse which will fit under the seat in front of you. Army duffel bags, one with shoulder straps, are inexpensive and easily re-useable. Use locks and keys. However, avoid looking like para-military personnel! Culture-Link seminars advise us to tag all bags with the SAME color large-piece-of-cloth ribbon, and to appoint a baggage captain who counts and re-counts bags as they are moved from point to point. Others should stay with the bags at both points. Do not put expensive carry ons on the x-ray conveyor belt without first having someone waiting for them, to avoid thieves who wait at the other end.
Make sure your passport, funds, and yellow immunization card (this may not be requested at present) are handy. You must have your passport. At present a visa is not required, but this may change.
Make sure that you check baggage through to Entebbe (“EBB”), Uganda when going, and through to your USA destination, returning. Otherwise you may have to deal with customs in more than one country.
Travel clothing should be very comfortable. The plane and London can be chilly, so dress accordingly.
An inflatable pillow is an asset to your neck in air travel and doubles as a regular pillow. It is available at Service Merchandise and Office Depot, as are money belts/travel accessories.
Drink lots of liquids on the plane, since you lose fluid in a pressurized cabin, and try to exercise. A good time to use the restroom is soon after a meal, or just before the conclusion of a film.
Lost luggage: if your bags do not arrive at your destination, make sure that you report this to the airline immediately, before leaving the airport. Give them the luggage tag number, a description of the bag and contents and how they can reach you, including phone number and address. For British Air you should go to baggage services department where you should be given a letter of apology and “mishandled baggage questionnaire”, which contains a letter of instructions, before you leave the airport. If your bag is damaged when you receive it and it was not delayed, you have 7 days to report this to the airline. If your bag was delayed, you have 21 days from the date of receipt to report this to the airline. If your bags are delayed more than 72 hours, you may buy essential items (within reason), keep the receipts, and present them to the airline for reimbursement. Keep calling the airline each day that it does not arrive. If all else fails, contact your travel agent for assistance. British Air has been quite responsive to customer concerns, our agent tells us.
Laptop computers: if you wish to risk taking one, it may be a good idea to disguise them in a backpack. An extra battery would be needed, and power service is not predictable in Uganda. If you bring a laptop, consider also bringing a battery-powered portable printer, but guard them well. They could be very useful in the jet and airport and in situations where you need on-the-spot preparations, but they would have to be a constant companion.
London layover: you may have a 15 hour+ layover at Gatwick airport going, which would enable you to sightsee. Again, return at least 2 hours before departure. To avoid a flat exchange fee per person, which is high, combine your funds to exchange into pounds sterling (£--compare rates at a couple of forexchanges [forex]). If you don’t spend it all going, you have some funds for your return trip. Better, you can use a credit card in London which will convert pounds sterling to dollars, also avoiding an exchange rate to re-convert pounds to dollars, although some needed items, such as food and train tickets, may not yield to this method. The English have excellent soaps and body lotions, as gifts, but you may want to set aside some funds and buy them when returning, so you won’t have to carry them all over Uganda. A duty-free electronics store at Gatwick airport has excellent prices on some printers, laptops, cameras, etc. You may fax “Duty Free Electronics, Ltd.” at: 011-44-1293-568550 for a quote before leaving the U.S.
London sightseeing: you may get a [roundtrip ticket] British Rail train from London Gatwick airport for Victoria Station. There you can buy a “London Visitor’s Map” at a news stand and conduct your own tour. Many sights are within walking distance of the station: Westminster Cathedral and Abbey, Big Ben, Parliament, Buckingham Palace, the National [art] Gallery, the Horse Guards, St. James Park, etc. Bring change, since even the toilets may cost money (free at the National Gallery). STAY TOGETHER in London, avoid small side streets, and try not to look too much like a tourist!
Re-entry: You may be disgusted with American wealth upon returning, and astounded to walk into a large supermarket. You may also kiss US soil! Someone has rightly observed that we do not know our own culture until we have seen another. What have you learned from the Ugandans? What do you now see about your own culture? Where does each culture obey or disobey God?
Try to gather again as a team soon after your return to the US, as Culture-Link advises. It may be the last time you’re together, and it provides closure.
Now it is time to compile a report of your journey for your supporters while the memories are fresh (and, please, to complete the ACTI trip evaluation form). You will encourage them with a timely letter.
Ask your pastor for the opportunity to report and present ministry opportunities to your church soon after your return.
Frequent team leaders should consider joining the Fellowship of Short-Term Mission Leaders, which has an annual conference (contact Jeff Bantz at 305.884.8400).
Thank you for traveling to Uganda with Africa Christian Training Institute!
Thanks to these contributors to this manual: Culture-Link, Bob Hayes, Henry Krabbendam, Bertha Lloyd, Rashid Luswa, Randy Nabors, John Pickett and Jim Sutherland.
QUESTIONS? They may be directed to: