
life never do as others do

and Suggestions
Project 1
- vegetarianism.
- Vegetarians don't
eat meat, fish, and poultry. Vegans are
vegetarians who abstain from eating or using all animal
products, including milk, cheese, other dairy items,
eggs, wool, silk, and leather. Among the many reasons
for being a vegetarian are health, ecological, and
religious concerns, dislike of meat, compassion for
animals, belief in non-violence, and economics. The key
to a healthy vegetarian diet, as with
any other diet, is to eat a wide variety of foods,
including fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens,
whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
Vegetarianism is good way to change your
fast, bad eating.
- People who
advocated vegetarianism: Plutarch, Plato, Ovidius,
Pitagoras, Diogenes, Alcyone Krishnamurti, Marcus
Aurelius, Leonardo Da Vinci, Volter, Leo Tolstoy, Franz
Kafka, Emmanuel Levinas, Friedrich Nietzsche, George
Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi, Isaac Bashevis Singer,
Ralph Valdo Emerson, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Zamenhof,
Hubert Reeves, Peter Singer, Meylekh Ravitch, Menke Katz,
Roberta Kalechofsky, Morrissey, Brigitte Bardot, Michael
Jackson, Clara Barton, Madonna, Paul McCartney, Whitney
Houston, Dirk Benedict... and many many more... just like
me (maybe you also?)
- Vegetarian foods:
macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, cheese pizza, eggplant
parmesan, vegetable soup, pancakes, oatmeal, grilled
cheese, bean tacos and burritos, vegetable lo mein,
French toast, French fries, vegetable pot pie, fruit
shakes, bread, yogurt, cheese lasagna, peanut butter and
jam, fruit salad, corn flakes... Some vegetarians also
eat: tofu, tempeh, bulgur, lentils, millet, tahini,
falafel, nutritional yeast, whole wheat flour, wheat
germ, sprouts, chickpeas, tamari, kale, collards, carrot
juice, barley, rice cakes, carob, split peas, kidney
beans, soy burgers, kiwi fruit, papaya, blintzes, curry,
nut loaf...
Project 2
- literature.
- You can find here: Bible, Talmud, Chasidic philosophy,
Yiddish literature, Franz Kafka, George Gurdjieff and
Project 3
- music.
- You can find here midi, mod, xm, mp3 - music files, and
information about artists, links, etc...
Electronic mail address
Web address
About Author
Author of this home page is known as founder of Orientation
3P. It means Orientation of all people, who
were, are and will be oriented whole life to three basic
questions (3P):
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?
There is no profit, no religion, no organization, and whatever
Only people's personal philosophy of life. Just 3P.
If you want to ask something or write something from within
you just do it in comments window.


Last revised: 10 Jun 2001.
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