Welcome to my Special Education page. I hope you find some of it useful, whether you are a parent or a fellow teacher or someone just browsing. Let me know if there are any links you think I should add to this site. /h3> |
Tom Caffrey - 09/17/99 04:49:34
My URL:http://www.poac.net
My Email:tcaff1@home.com
How You Found This Site: search - Autism + Support groups
What state or country do you live in?: NJ
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Former teacher & parent of 5 year old autistic child
please share info about our AUTISM 2000 CONFERENCE featuring Dr. Temple Grandin & Carol Gray with as many people in your circle as possible. www.poac.net/conference.htm
Andrea - 08/20/99 01:03:58
My Email:skixtreme@eathlink.net
How You Found This Site: yahoo
What state or country do you live in?: NJ
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
I thought that your site was very informitive thank you!
Angela - 06/24/99 03:31:42
My URL:/heartland/acres/7093
My Email:dominecker@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: checking my links
What state or country do you live in?: Kentucky
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent
I was checking my links and noticed you have done some redecorating. I really enjoyed my visit.
Darlene Sheaffer - 03/18/99 11:32:06
My Email:DRSHEAFFER@webtv.net
How You Found This Site: In an e-mail I received from Teacher.net
What state or country do you live in?: Penna.
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Special Ed. Teacher
I have been a Special Ed. teacher for 27 years. I have worked with many exceptionalities. Currently I have a self-contained class of 9-12 year olds. I work with Autistic, neurologically impaired and M.R. (all in one class). My class has the "title" of
Life Skills Support. I work for an Intermediate Unit and we have the students in our classrooms which the school districts are not equipped to work with for some reason or another.
clarence whittaker - 12/05/98 14:00:48
My Email:c.whittaker@usa.net
What state or country do you live in?: new jersey
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I am a new special education teacher looking for
curriculum ideas for a class of 6 graders in an
inclusion setting.
Ruth Willis - 12/03/98 15:49:11
My Email:krwillis@voyager.net
How You Found This Site: browsing the net searching for help and information.
What state or country do you live in?: MICHIGAN
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Parent, have taught at home prior to this year.
I need information on "educable mental retardation". my daughter (10 years) was just diagnoised with this yesterday. she also is dealing with A.D.D. and multipal alergy's. I want information, what is this, how do her teacher andI help her? HELP!!!!!!!!!!
he is doing 1st grade level work still, attitude is great. looking for information. thanks, Ruthie
Tara - 11/13/98 23:36:30
My Email:Peach376@aol.com
How You Found This Site: seaching the web
What state or country do you live in?: PA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Future teacher
I am a senior in college just about to graduate in May. Your website was very helpful.
Mary Hopkins - 11/13/98 21:12:46
My Email:mhopkins@ddsn.state.sc.us
How You Found This Site: Web Crawler
What state or country do you live in?: South Carolina
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Other
I was just interested in what teachers are doing now. I have been working in a residential facility for 18 years and am thinking about going into the public schools. Good luck with your classes.
Natalie Thomas - 11/04/98 02:07:32
My Email:thomasnh@email.uah.edu
How You Found This Site: browsing
What state or country do you live in?: AL
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Parent
I am currently enrolled in college. I cannot decide on a major. Right now I am between speech pathology and special education. I think either of these would be a wonderful career choice, but I don't enough about either one.
sondra legrande - 10/27/98 02:14:28
My Email:legrande@telepath.com
How You Found This Site: just looking for info
What state or country do you live in?: oklahoma
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher, Multihandicapped
Looking for other M.H. teachers to share info with and exchange ideas.
10/25/98 12:04:49
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Robin - 10/15/98 22:49:10
My Email:RobinRB@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: looking for special ed info
What state or country do you live in?: LA, CA, USA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent
I am interested in your experiences working with autism. You mentioned you taught 5 to 8 year olds in a autism group. I have a daughter (Nicole is 5) who is autistic. She is in a special ed class in a local school (a EE class). She is around 1 1/2 yea
s developmentally delayed, with articulation/language issues (though she talks well enough to understand most of what she says-she just doesn't say enough!)some behavioral, and some social. Her biggest area of deficit is language processing. She is soci
l but held back socially primarily by her lack of understanding what is being said and "how to". She's a wild little thing and so much fun most of the time!
Anything you could share with me in your experiences teaching autistic kids would be appreciated. (She is at school 1/2 day in a K class however I try to work with her at home in the afternoon - so I'm a home teacher as well!)
She is definitely a learning experience for me!
CALVIN KEY - 09/18/98 17:43:20
What state or country do you live in?: ARKANSAS
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: TEACHER
Dotty Noseff - 09/12/98 04:16:42
My Email:dnoseff@leaco.com
What state or country do you live in?: New Mexico
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Teacher
I teach a Special Education Class for students 5 through 9 years of age. It is a self-contained "D" level class. If you have any teaching strategies that you think were really beneficial for you that may help me please let me know. Thank You, Dotty
Rhonda Neal - 09/08/98 00:35:56
My Email:RKNeal@aol.com
How You Found This Site: web search
What state or country do you live in?: Spartanburg, SC
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
Jenna - 09/06/98 19:17:56
My Email:gretel84@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: looking for info on MR for a grad school project/ i'm an slp major
What state or country do you live in?: GA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: grad student
I am looking for developmental information concerning children with mental impairments from birth to age 5 for an inservice.
john wharton - 08/07/98 06:02:24
My Email:jwharton@netscape.net
How You Found This Site: looking for info on sped kids
What state or country do you live in?: alaska
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student at job corps
hi im currently enrolled in alaska job corps i recently graduated highschool. for 2 years during high school i worked with the sped kids in highschool and i want to go to college to be a sped teacher im looking for info on how to be a sped teacher and all
that stuff the kind of teacher i want to be is the kind that works with quadropaligics and other severly disabled students i really enjoy working with them and want to better my knowledge can you please e mail me some info or suggestions thanks
john wharton
a devoted person
Sebastian Felgenhauer - 07/19/98 20:52:06
My Email:su1188@sx2.hrz.uni-dortmund.de
What state or country do you live in?: Germany
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Student; In a few years teacher of mentally retarded children
I´m searching for information about the education of mentally retarded children to prepare them for a job.
katy donovan - 07/03/98 14:01:28
My Email:kdonova1@MSN.com
What state or country do you live in?: Alabama
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Recient graduate and parent
I am a recient graduate of special education. I am interested in working on the high school level and would like some suggestions on discipline plans you have implemented. I have used reward systems and letters home to parents. I'm concerned about the le
el of violence in our schools and am unclear about the proper way to handle aggressive emotionally conflicted students. I would love to hear from you.
Katy Donovan
Angela - 07/03/98 03:56:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7093
My Email:dominecker@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: searching for sites like mine
What state or country do you live in?: Kentucky
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent of a MMH child
I am glad I found your site, and you are now linked from my page. To find someone who really understands the MMH child is very rare.
Thanks for caring
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 21:21:30
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Chelle - 07/02/98 13:30:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/1477
My Email:rcgem@mailexcite.com
How You Found This Site: webcrawler
What state or country do you live in?: WV
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Spec. Educ. Teacher
Hello :) Great site! I currently teach MI/LD/BD
in a resource room setting. I am researching for
a graduate class and am considering doing my paper
on Autism since I teach 2 autistic students.
Thanks for the great information :)
Laura - 06/29/98 22:51:27
My Email:siddygirl@aol.com
How You Found This Site: excite
What state or country do you live in?: Texas
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: yes
I would like more information about multiple impaired students. Please email when you have time. Thank you.
lisa chappell - 06/28/98 18:43:53
My Email:cre8tv1@erols.com
How You Found This Site: net search
What state or country do you live in?: va
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
At prese, my computer is not on, I am in transition, starting a new life...I'm getting married in August and starting a new job. I have 12 years of special education teaching exp. and many more, becaus I raised a disabled child, volunteer constantly and
ave three family members with specil needs...I will let you know when I am back on line, I would lpve to chat to another special education teacher...
Kriste Frett - 06/05/98 23:56:42
My Email:kristebeth@juno.com
How You Found This Site: searching for an article to write a paper for my exceptionalities course
What state or country do you live in?: New Jersey!
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: studying to be a teacher
Elena Belden - 06/04/98 19:11:02
My URL:http://kceb@stic.net
My Email:kceb@stic.net
How You Found This Site: surfing
What state or country do you live in?: TX
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Special ED Student Teacher
Jeannie Garcia - 05/30/98 03:26:07
My Email:sleep@icct.net
How You Found This Site: surfing
What state or country do you live in?: Texas
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent
Interested in all info pertaining to teaching my 4 year old Autistic son. He is moderately impaired..has very high social skills for a child who is Autistic, no language to speak of ( receptive or expressive ) but has a real desire to learn to speak and p
ay. It is up to me and his excellent..no, superb.. special ed teacher ,Stacey Shirley to help him succeed. I am looking everywhere. Thanks for this info. And thanks to all of you who care about these fabulous children.
Kathi - 05/28/98 14:05:20
My Email:taulqk@aol.com
How You Found This Site: netsearch
What state or country do you live in?: Michigan
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Inclusion parapro
Hello, I have worked with mentally impaired students for seven years, the last 5 years in inclusion. Because it was impossible to find materials for our elementary inclusion students to fit their needs, I developed a sight reading/spelling program for men
ally impaired students. My Special Ed Teachers encouraged me to put it together in book form. I did and I have it copyrighted. However, I haven't found anyone to publish it. They tell me there isn't a big enough market for it. I don't believe it. We've us
d for 5 years now with approx. 5 students and I know other schools have inclusion students. My Special Ed teachers have been telling me for three years if I don't get it produced someone else is going to. I have 6 resource books. "Reading My Color Words",
"First Words for Sightreading", Fun Words for Sightreading", Sight-Spelling Stage One", Sight-Spelling Stage Two", and Sight-Spelling Stage Three". I know this has been a long message, thank you for your time, do you have any suggestions?
Heather O'Connor - 05/18/98 22:56:41
My Email:hoconnor@skyenet.net
How You Found This Site: surfing
What state or country do you live in?: Indiana
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
Diane Tinkham - 05/06/98 02:09:00
How You Found This Site: My Mom
What state or country do you live in?: Indiana
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: A Student
I think it is really good to have information about Down Syndrome on the internet.
- 04/29/98 19:21:17
GMac - 04/24/98 03:54:32
My Email:mcelrath@worlnet.att.net
How You Found This Site: browsing
What state or country do you live in?: Alabama
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I have a student who I believe is Autistic. This child is nonverbal. What is my next step?
Kelly Lesniakowski - 04/23/98 23:11:40
My Email:Klesniakow@aol.com
How You Found This Site: educational site
What state or country do you live in?: NJ
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent
I am looking for information relating to a program that Georgian Court College professor started with children called the Stevens (or Stevenson) Learning Program. It teaches reading and writing. Maybe you can help me on this,I hope.
Brenda - 04/22/98 03:11:03
My Email:bboop40@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: just browsing!!!!
What state or country do you live in?: Illinoiss
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: I work with mentally retarded residents
If you have any activity ideas for our residents, please e-mail me!!!!! I'm always looking for new ideas!!!!! Thanks a bunch!!!!
kamsiah - 03/27/98 09:21:50
What state or country do you live in?: brunei Darussalam
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I am taking a part time course in special education so I am interested to know how others handle the special people. Bye
Dawn M. Leonard - 03/23/98 19:04:49
My Email:daleonar
How You Found This Site: open search for MH
What state or country do you live in?: New Jersey
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher's assisstant
Your career sounds like some of my friends. Special education is a broad field filled with many opportunitites. Thank you for providing this useful and necessary site.
Lynn Bradley - 02/20/98 00:25:24
My URL:/Athens/Oracle/7181/
My Email:lynn_bradley@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: You signed my guestbook
What state or country do you live in?: North Carolina
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: 5th ]grade teacher
I like your site as well!!! I would like to add your site as a link, with your permission. I am very glad that you have addressed children with special needs. Until now I have been unable to locate information of this kind on the web.
Thank You,
Lynn Bradley
Lynn Bradley - 02/11/98 20:50:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/7181/
My Email:lynnbradley@geocities.com
How You Found This Site: GeoCities Search
What state or country do you live in?: North Carolina
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Teacher
This is a great site. I just put a site up at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/7181/. I hope to meet teachers and share resources.
Evelyn Paul - 02/08/98 01:24:29
My Email:empaul63@worldnet.att.net
How You Found This Site: doing a special ed search
What state or country do you live in?: Maryland
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I'm always looking for ideas!
I work with learning disabled middle school students in Middle School!
Jody Hoffman - 01/22/98 14:08:35
My Email:jlh6305@sru.edu
How You Found This Site: looking for current issues in the field of special education.
What state or country do you live in?: Pennsylvania
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: college student double majoring in special and elementary education.
I said a prayer for you while I was typing this. I thanked God for your willingness and dedication to helping special need children. I prayed for strength and continued success in your mission to make a difference. I hope that someday I will be able to
make a difference also.
kathy - 01/20/98 00:05:52
My URL:http://Heartland/estates/7772
My Email:kathym@brenham.isd.tenet.edu
How You Found This Site: geocities search - special education
What state or country do you live in?: Texas - formerly NJ
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher & parent
I graduated from Glassboro (actually the last GSC class) in 1992. I moved to Texas, where they would not accept my credentials, so I went into an alternate certification program, where I became certified in Special Education, instead of English (my major
. God makes no mistakes... Special Ed is where my heart is; I love it, even when it gets frustrating. I teach 7&8 grade resource self-contained. (a behavior unit, basically) Enjoyed your page. Kathy
Dee - 12/03/97 22:58:22
How You Found This Site: Linking into teaching ideas for my MR class
What state or country do you live in?: PA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Teacher and Parent
I'm very interested in Language Arts ideas for moderately involved students (7th-8th) who hate to write.
ellen strauss - 11/27/97 02:24:11
My Email:mamaellie@webtv
How You Found This Site: accident
What state or country do you live in?: Illinois
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: parent/teacher
I am highly concerned with the welfare/education of children with learning differences. Because of innumerable complicatins with my own chid and the inmuerable apathy of some of the educational systems in illinois, I am now persuing to become a Due proce
s Hearing Officer in my state.
I would like to ask a question of you. Your background eem to be most varied not only in the age groups you work with but in the care and educational assistance you perform. Is this because you have yet to ascertain the difinitive area you wish to speci
lize in or is it because the system is not allowing you to stay in your specialized area?
You are the very first person I've sent an E-Mail to outside my imediate family. We just got hooked up to the internet this past Saturday.
Have a good Holiday and I'll be looking forward to your response.
Tina Haywiser - 11/24/97 18:33:29
My Email:thaywiser@basd.k12.pa.us
How You Found This Site: browsing
What state or country do you live in?: Pennsylvania
This was a very good description of the events of your life. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Stacey Foy - 11/18/97 15:14:12
My Email:sdfoy@sympatico.ca
How You Found This Site: Lycos search
What state or country do you live in?: Canada
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I'm am presently in an additional qualifications course to become qualified to teach developmentally challenged students. I found your site while searching for information for an essay.
amanda Ondrusek - 11/06/97 23:16:42
My Email:680749@xavier.xu.edu
How You Found This Site: Searching for Special Education web sites for my Special Ed. class!
What state or country do you live in?: I am in college at xavier university, in cincinnati ohio
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: i am a student...
i really liked your web page, and i can't wait to become a special ed. teacher!!
Ibrahim Althabet - 11/05/97 03:28:53
My Email:althabet@hotmail.com
How You Found This Site: searching for inclusion of mentally retarded
What state or country do you live in?: Florida,USA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: docroral student
First of all I added your home page address to my Bookmarks,so please keep up the great work. I am trying to collect information about inclusion of mentally retarde,if you or your guests can help I'll be greatly appreciate it. Thanks
- 11/04/97 20:21:51
Virginia Lanzendorfer - 11/03/97 21:10:03
My Email:vlanzend@wvu.edu
How You Found This Site: surfed onto it!
What state or country do you live in?: West Virginia USA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
I was searching for documents on Educating the Mentally Retarded for my Education 1 class, and I came across this page. I am a student at West Virginia University, majoring in Elementary Special Education, and I am doing this project as a course requireme
t. You have a good resource for students looking for information. Thanks for all your help!
Sharon Michaels - 10/31/97 19:39:50
My Email:smich@bobcat.oursc.k12.ar.us
How You Found This Site: luck
What state or country do you live in?: Arkansas
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Special Ed. Teacher
I am glad to see your web site. I plan on spending more time surfing the net in the future. I will certainly let other Sp. Ed. teachers, parents and interested parties know about it.
I have one parent very interested in information about autism. I will let her know about your site.
Andrea Thornton - 10/30/97 03:27:26
My Email:andrea@moad.com
How You Found This Site: researching for a paper on special education
What state or country do you live in?: Mississippi
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: High School Student
I am very impressed! Keep up the good work. Thank you for all the great links.
Ruth Okoye - 10/29/97 21:03:52
My Email:rokoye@earthlink.net
How You Found This Site: searching Athens
What state or country do you live in?: New York
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
I am a resource teacher looking for others like myself who are on the web. Do you know where I can find other special teachers like us?
E. Mitchell - 10/28/97 21:50:04
How You Found This Site: surfing
What state or country do you live in?: South Carolina
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher, TMD
Fritz Rathmann - 10/26/97 12:48:34
My Email:fritzrth@gasou.edu
How You Found This Site: Lycos search
What state or country do you live in?: Georgia
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Graduate Student
Hi, I'm a graduate student in education and was searching for information for a paper in exceptional childhood education. Thanks for the site. The links are very helpful. May I list your page in my references? Oh,yes, congratulations on your career - Frit
Sagrario - 10/16/97 19:09:19
My Email:f147151303@abonados.c
What state or country do you live in?: Spain
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: I'm a teacher of Primary school
Hi. How are you?
I'm going to explore your site.
See you!
Lisa - 10/16/97 13:03:36
My Email:Wehrlm68@Buffalostate.edu
How You Found This Site: Class Project on professional sites found on Netscape
What state or country do you live in?: New York
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Student
I love your quote!!! So true!! I wish everyone was this optimistic!
Laura Schrimpl - 10/15/97 19:03:10
My Email:lcs003@drake.edu
What state or country do you live in?: Iowa
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
Lauri - 10/01/97 23:07:56
My URL:http://????
My Email:enunse8@aol.com
How You Found This Site: researching
What state or country do you live in?: IL
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: speech therapist
Just starting my research for class. I am in desperate need of literature on the social behavior of children who are mentally impaired. I would like to study whether a seminar on "Who Is A Stranger " would affect their daily interactions with others. I
picked this because I lost one of my students this summer when he was brutally murdered by a stranger that I am sure that he trusted when he was lured away.
Donna Ilse - 09/12/97 02:41:06
My Email:ilseidaho@safelink.net
What state or country do you live in?: Idaho
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
Donna Ilse - 09/12/97 02:36:06
My Email:ilseidaho@safelink.net
What state or country do you live in?: Idaho
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher
jes ellson - 09/08/97 21:23:52
My Email:ellsonj@nsu001.northern.edu
How You Found This Site: net search under special education
What state or country do you live in?: mn summers, and South Dakota during school
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
i am double majoring in visually impaired education and elementary education, with minors in early childhood, and special education. during the summers i work at a child care center. i was able to work with a 4 year old autistic boy. it was challenging
but very fulfilling!!
jes ellson - 09/08/97 21:23:25
My Email:ellsonj@nsu001.northern.edu
How You Found This Site: net search under special education
What state or country do you live in?: mn summers, and South Dakota during school
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: student
i am double majoring in visually impaired education and elementary education, with minors in early childhood, and special education. during the summers i work at a child care center. i was able to work with a 4 year old autistic boy. it was challenging
but very fulfilling!!
Annette Hux - 08/24/97 13:00:51 GMT
My Email:huxa@vanburen.k12.mo.us
How You Found This Site: surfin'
What state or country do you live in?: Missouri, United States
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher of LD, BD, & MR K-3 grades/parent
Annette Hux - 08/24/97 12:59:15 GMT
My Email:huxa@vanburen.k12.mo.us
How You Found This Site: just happened onto it
What state or country do you live in?: Missouri, United States
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher of LD, BD, & MR K-3 grades
Sounds like you have lots of experience. I enjoyed reading about you. I was wondering if you had any behavior managment plans for mentally retarded children. I can't find a plan that they comprehend. Any ideas, please send them. thanks
Kristin May A. Lee - 08/16/97 03:57:29 GMT
My Email:kristinlee@manila-online.net
How You Found This Site: just surfin'
What state or country do you live in?: Philippines
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher/parent
I'm hoping that you can exchange ideas with me re: how to teach moderate mental retardates in the classroom. As well as how to deal with children who are hyperactive or labeled as Behavioral Problem.
I am currently teaching in a Montessori School here in the Philippines where my mom is the owner. We are the only Montessori school listed as a member in the North American Teachers Association or NAMTA.
I got my masters degree at U.P. College of Educaiton where mastered in SPED.
I'd be gladif you'll give me message through e-mail. Thanx
Kristin May A. Lee - 08/16/97 03:53:15 GMT
My Email:kristinlee@manila-online.net
How You Found This Site: just surfin'
What state or country do you live in?: Philippines
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: teacher/parent
I'm hoping that you can exchange ideas with me re: how to teach moderate mental retardates in the classroom. As well as how to deal with children who are hyperactive or labeled as Behavioral Problem.
I am currently teaching in a Montessori School here in the Philippines where my mom is the owner. We are the only Montessori school listed as a member in the North American Teachers Association or NAMTA.
I got my masters degree at U.P. College of Educaiton where mastered in SPED.
I'd be gladif you'll give me message through e-mail. Thanx
Paula Kelley - 08/14/97 01:24:55 GMT
My Email:Springplace@ocsonline.com
How You Found This Site: Thru WhoWhere
What state or country do you live in?: Georgia
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Parent
Very nice page! I enjoyed reading it. I have an 18 year old mentally retarded son who is mentally about 2. He attends a self-contained class in the public high school here.
Paula Kelley - 08/14/97 01:23:29 GMT
My Email:Springplace@ocsonline.com
How You Found This Site: Thru WhoWhere
What state or country do you live in?: Georgia
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Parent
Very nice page! I enjoyed reading it. I have an 18 year old mentally retarded son who is mentally about 2. He attends a self-contained class in the public high school here.
Bonnie Haecker - 08/02/97 21:55:20 GMT
My Email:B-Haecker@JUNO
How You Found This Site: just surfin'
What state or country do you live in?: Texas
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: Vocational Special Ed Teacher for mentally retarded 15-22 year old students
Good Luck in the coming year!
- 07/27/97 18:08:51 GMT
Darlene Podraza - 07/25/97 19:49:16 GMT
My URL:http://dpodraza@erols.com
How You Found This Site: Just surfin'
What state or country do you live in?: Chesapeake, VA
Are you a teacher, parent, or other?: I'm an SLP
Like your home page. I'm doing some research for an Internet Intro class, and just happened by. Good luck in the coming school year!
Connie - 06/26/97 15:41:46 GMT
My Email:CUmstead@aol.com
How You Found This Site: searching the net
What state or country do you live in?: NJ
Are you a teacher, parent, or ot
er?: both
Looks good. I hope you will be doing more in the future.