Palm Beach Orthodox Synagogue
& Torah Learning Center

P.O. Box 1028
Palm Beach, FL 33480

Phone: (561) 838-9002
Fax: (561) 838-5356

A Full-Service Modern Orthodox Synagogue
Moshe E. Scheiner, Rabbi


Held at Palm Beach Hotel, 235 Sunrise Avenue, Palm Beach, FL
(just a few blocks north of The Breakers)

Kabbalat ShabbatFriday, sundown
(Summer: 7:00 PM)
Shabbat morningSaturday, 9 AM
Week-day ShacharitSunday, 9 AM
Monday - Friday 8 AM
(Summer: Sunday, Monday, and Thursday only)
Weekday Mincha/MaarivSundown (during season)

Rabbi's classes (for adults) are held year-round as follows:

Sunday morning8 AM (followed by davening)
Wednesday evening8 PM

Please call the Synagogue office (561) 838-9002 or Rabbi Scheiner (561) 820-9652 for changes in service/class schedules and information regarding membership, Yom Tov and holiday services/parties, meals and accommodations, children's Sunday School and other Synagogue activities (such as Tea and Torah, Lunch and Learn, and visiting scholars).