Diane M. Ford



May 1994
M.S. in Applied Mathematics

California State University, Long Beach, GPA: 3.64
Sponsored by the Hughes Masters Fellowship
Graduate Emphasis: Numerical Analysis and Statistics

March 1990
B.A. in Applied Mathematics (Scientific Programming)
University of California, San Diego, GPA: 3.45
Provost Honors List, Golden Key National Honor Society

Work History

April 1990 to Present
Hughes Aircraft Company
, El Segundo, CA
Member of Technical Staff. Systems engineering, mathematical modeling, simulation programming, system performance analysis, technical writing.

August 1996 to Present
Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA
Part-Time Mathematics Instructor. Taught pre-college level courses, developed curriculum and classroom materials, assessed student academic progress. Attended AMATYC Conference. Initiated group activities.

January 1995 to May 1996
Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA
Part-Time Mathematics Instructor. Taught pre-college level mathematics courses, developed curriculum and classroom materials, assessed student academic progress. Created a Math Web Page for math teaching and learning assistance.

September 1988 to December 1989
UCSD Math Department, La Jolla, CA
Teaching Assistant. Graded homework and tests, reviewed homework questions and lecture material in class sessions of about 30 students once a week. Offered office hours for additional assistance.

September 1987 to March 1990
UCSD Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services, La Jolla, CA
Math Tutor. Tutored groups of 1 to 6 students at a time on a drop-in basis.

Computer Skills

Computer Hardware: Macintosh, IBM PC, DEC, Sun
Operating Systems: System 7, Windows, MS-DOS, VMS, Unix, Solaris 2.5
Computer Software:MATLAB, SAS, DesignEase, SESWorkbench, OPNET, Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, MacDraw, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, DeskScan, Netscape, Mosiac

Professional Experience

Modeling and system performance analysis of RF communication systems, traffic systems, and air defense systems using simulation programs written in FORTRAN, SIMSCRIPT, and BASIC, as well as models utilizing Excel spreadsheets. Simulation modeling in C (using OPNET and SESWorkBench simulation environment tools) of real time processors and networks (including channel-access, routing, name service, and network management protocols) for the purpose of determining expected utilization and queue delays. Programming in Visual Basic for generating network architecture management information bases (MIBs). Statistical analysis using Excel-based tools for the purpose of analyzing transmission assembly line error data. Presentations to groups of 30 to 75 people (employees, customers, government officials, students).
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