Hello there and thanks for dropping by. There is always an extra
chair at my kitchen table with a large cup of steaming coffee just
for you.
Hi, my name is Virginia and I live in North Carolina though a recent transplant from New York. I spent most of my life living in the little village of Montgomery where I raised my three children, two sons and one daughter. My sons live in New York with their families and my daughter lives in North Carolina.
I have many interests that keep me busy and I am sure you can imagine that this computer business is one of them. The hours roll by as I search the net and chat in various rooms. Another hobby is searching our genealogy and I have met some very nice folks in this subjects chat rooms. Oh.. and don't you know they'd have areas to play cards? Guess where you'd find me.. go ahead, guess?
Last, but not
least, is the writing of poems. I wrote my first poem about ten
years ago quite by accident. I was lying in bed one night in the
process of dozing off when all of a sudden my mind was just creating
and I said "Oh my, I'd better get up and get a pen and paper". I
jotted it all down
and went back to bed. I would like to share my poems
with you now.
Come, sit, rest and smile.
Check here to see>Dan, Lisa and Shaina. Children of Eric and Erin.and new one of Shaina
David's daughter, Kaitlyn, was married in August. Check in here> for pictures of she and her Dad.
Her mom Dawn and sister Sarah enjoying the receiption and brother Matt with her youngest boy Aiden at the wedding rehearsal Quite a bunch huh?