TRACCE no. 3

Rock Art newsletters and reviews back to index

Please send Rock Art reviews, newsletters, bulletins, to
A. Arcà - Footstep of Man, Peschiera 285 - 10141 - TORINO - ITALY
TRACCE will put online indexes and subscription conditions.

we have received...

International Newsletter on Rock Art - Lettre Internationale d'Informations sur l'art Rupestre
1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)

no.13 - 1996

Arte Rupestre en Colombia
GIPRI - Grupo de Investigación de Arte Rupestre Indigena, Cra. 54 A No. 174-12, Santafé de Bogotà, D.C. Colombia S.A., Tel/Fax 672-23-90

Año I numero I Octubre de 1995

International Newsletter on Rock Art - Lettre Internationale d'Informations sur l'art Rupestre
1996 subscription: US $ 18, check at the order of INORA-ARAPE (11 rue du Fourcat 09000 FOIX, France)

no.12 - 1995

Newsletter of the Eastern States Rock Art Research Assn.
First year membership free. Send name and item to Deborah Morse-Kahn, 3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408

Volume 1 - no. 1, January-March 1996

The newsletter of the Australian Rock Art Research association (AURA)
AURA, P.O. Box 216, Caulfield South, Victoria 3162, Australia

Volume 13, number 1, February 1996

National Pictographic Society News Letter
Membership: US $ 10 - NPS 221 Gowen Pl., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

March 1996

Southeastern Minnesota Rockart Survey
Deborah Morse-Kahn, 3337 Girard Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408

January 1996

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