![[Image: Bird carrying twig]](clbird.gif)

Welcome to my Nest! Pull up a twig and sit down.
I hope that you will find this to be a warm and welcoming spot - a fun place to
I have a lot of varied interests, so you can expect a little
of everything on this page.

Are there any Bonanza fans out there? I am one of those who
became addicted to the show in re-runs,
and since there isn't a lot of information out there I have set up a Bonanza
page. I have now included a new Microsoft PLUS! Desktop Theme for Windows95.
Check it out.
Karen's Bonanza page
If you have had enough television, feel free to roam around
the library. I hope to be expanding it soon, so check back if you don't
see what you want.
Still looking for something else to read? I have recently posted a few of my own poems,
and will be adding more soon. I hope that you enjoy them.
I get bored looking at the same old computer desktop day after day, so I have started to develop some
new Desktop Themes. There are only a few so far, but you will also find links to other Theme pages.
Desktop Themes
If there are any cats reading this, you will enjoy Seki's "Cats Only" page. Be
warned, though - there are no humans allowed!
Seki's "Cats Only" Page
A number of my friends are developing some excellent sites on the web. Whether you are
interested in cycling, cooking or personal growth there is something in these links for
My Friends
I have too many awards to properly display here now, so I have given them a page of
their own. I am very honoured to receive these awards, and I hope that you will visit
the sites of the people who were kind enough to give them to me.
Awards Page

I enjoy all the graphics and sounds available with Netscape, and use them on my page.
I realize however that there are people who cannot, or choose not to, use graphic
browsers. I have therefore attempted to make my site accessible to text-based browsers.
Drop me a line at kmillard@idirect.com
Geocities has been kind enough to provide its members with Guest Books.I hope that you
will sign mine, and let me know you were here!
Please sign my Guest Book
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1998-2001 by Karen Millard.