"Everybody is ignorant. It's just on different subjects" attributed to Will Rogers My name is Tom Patterson and welcome to my home page. The purpose of this page is primarily for my students. However, I hope to have some fun and make new friends as well. I hope you find something here to entertain or amuse. I hope to have an active growing site, so please check back often. The basis for this web site lies in this quote. I have taught sociology for 25 years and I have discovered that Rogers was very correct. Everyone can learn something from someone else. The only thing that varies is the subject matter. Which leads me to the topic for this page, the role of humor in our everyday lives. As a sociologist, I have investigated the role that humor plays in many different social settings. I am always amazed at the 'taken for granted' nature of humor we employ. The insignificance we place on our use and appreciation of humor is monumental when you consider how much of our daily life we dedicate to telling, listening, watching, reading, or thinking humorous thoughts. I welcome anyone who enjoys humor to join me in a whimsical and (hopefully) enlightening quest for an understanding of the sociological nature of humor. If you are interested in this pursuit, please look at the course I teach for the University of Maryland. Feel free to email me any suggestions that you may have. I hope to create a substantial bibliography pertaining to the investigation of humor. Along with this, I will include comedy web sites. Come back often and see how I am doing. Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions Thanks for dropping by! .
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