To Pastors and Leaders

Dear Co-worker,

It is our heart-felt desire for the Church family world-wide to be built up and for God to be glorified in every endeavour. For the Church not only to reach out in evangelism to win the 'lost', but also to make 'disciples' who in turn will serve boldly in these Last Days.

In recent years, it has been our privilege and joy to be used of God to assist many Pastors and other Leaders in their work. As God has given Prophetic insights so we have seen men and women of God gain a much clearer vison of God's purposes.

This in turn has resulted in a renewed confidence and impetus in the work of God. This has led to Churches growing both spiritually and numerically, and in the establishing of new Outreaches and new Churches.

God is looking for 'Joshuas" - who will do things God's way, knowing that God will be with them all the way (Joshua 1:5).

We believe that 1998 will bring tremendous new opportunities for you in the area of service to which God has called you.

Do contact us if you wish us to pray and assist you to maximise the fruitfulness of the ministry.

May God receive the Glory in all things.

In the Love of Jesus,

Ken and Jean Newton