How to Use this Product
SEARCH the Financial Aid Topics
Links to Other Financial Aid Sites
       Tips on Applying for Financial Aid
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       Visit the Financial Aid Bookstore

How to use this product

BESTEVER has made searching for scholarships easier than ever. When you search the Financial Aid topics simply click on one of the ten main topics. A list of sub-topics will then appear next to the awards listings. Its so easy!!

If you are unsure of which topic to search for an award, look in the Index. All 1500 sub-topics are listed there.

Tips on applying for financial aid

  1. Know what's out there. Take a look at the Index to get an idea of how many different types of financial awards there are.
  2. Start early. There will be lots of essays to write and forms to fill out. You can start targeting awards in your Junior year of high school.
  3. Look often - award availability changes every month. And don't think these pages are just for High School students. Even college seniors are eligible for many awards.
  4. Apply for all applicable awards.
  5. Neatness counts. Most award recipients never meet their benefactors. Little things can make a difference. So no smudges on the envelope and put that stamp on straight!

About the Bestever Financial Aid Site

This site started out as an attempt to learn about frames in an HTML document. It developed a life of its own and has become the Bestever Financial Aid Site.

Check out the links to other financial aid sites, for two reasons:

  1. The more financial aid programs you see, the better your chances for receiving aid.

  2. I want you to compare this browser-driven site to all the search-engine-driven sites out there. Browsing through my site will give you an idea of how many potential awards you cannot see at those search-driven sites.
The awards listed here are all good awards, but don't make this your only stop on your search for financial aid. There are many sites out there that are updated with new awards weekly. This site will be updated annually, time and money permiting.

As this site matures, I also hope to add better tips on applying for aid. In fact, I would appreciate any feedback from you that would help make this a better site.

While you're here check out some great books on financial aid available from

For those of you looking for a little extra pocket money, We also have a link to, one of the best job hunting sites on the Internet.

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      Now go Search the Financial Aid Topics!

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You are visitor number                     Last updated 04-19-99