Among the Seaweed and the Slime....
This page is here for you to get the stuff you need or just waste some time, but whatever you do, just have fun man. This page is for the people who just love art and music as much as I do. If variety is truly the spice of life, then music and art are my life. I hope that anyone who comes here enjoys the page. Phishon...

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Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to C4's wonderful little tavern. It has been a while since last updated this page. So Sorry... I have been real busy with work, school, and my 3D art. Yes, 3D art. It is something that I just got into a couple of months ago. It is amazing what you can create when you learn how to do it. My problem was that I was having to figure out MetaNURBS, Boolian Curves, Splines, Beziers, etc. without any formal teaching. It was kinda fun. Just recently I saw Phish in Charlotte. That show was rockin!!! I haven't heard an overall excellent show like that in a long time. Don't get me wrong, they always jam, but that show rocked. Anyway, I am desperately trying to figure out how to post all the photos I have when I am limited to 2MB of space!! I have got to get some room in here.
Phish is the music I love. I cannot put it any simpler. The beauty of their music will never become apparent to you until you take the time to get personal with it. This may sound strange, but you should really try this. Go somewhere where you are alone and everything is dead silent, get real comfortable, and just listen. Listen to everything going on... all the little sounds in the background that you never even knew were there. Get to know the feeling of the music. You will enjoy the music so much more once you do this. Phish has so many intricacies that just make the music that much more pleasurable.
I have been working with 3D Studio MAX and Lightwave 5.0c and I have produced some decent results. My only quibble is that the learning curve for both of these programs is so high. I have had a hard time learning it all, but now that I have learned the basics, I am ready to move onto bigger projects. At the present time, I am modeling and rendering Charlotte Coliseum with Phish on stage playing. I am animating everything: from Trey's head swinging, Jon's drum playing, and Mike's swaying, to the light's swinging around and possibly the crowd jumping.(All while bootleg music is playing in real time!!) If you are interested in this project, email me. I am trying to find more Phish phriends who like 3D graphics. If you are interested in seeing an "avi" or "mpeg" of the finished thing, email me and I will post it here (size allowing).

I am desperately looking for Phish bootlegs from Charlotte, NC (10-26-96) and Charleston,SC (10-27-96). Please help me. I have some bootlegs to trade, and I just need to find someone who has these tapes. If you have either of these tapes, please email me immediately!!!
I am always eager to find ways to improve my site (artwork, load time, your own files, etc.).If you see something wrong with my site or you are just compelled to comment on its merits then wire some email. (helpful) Criticism is appreciated.
Email C4

What I have to Offer...

One of my favorite momentos of a good show is a good photo. I always take the camera with me, and if I am ballsy enough, I get right up front and use the flash. On several occasions, I have made John Bell (Widespread Panic) start laughing at my antics with the camera. In the near future, I plan on posting the most boot-legged photos of concerts ever. I have over 200 photos and plan on posting as many as I can. Bare with me!
I dabble with mIRC scripts and love to chat with "kind" phriends. If you like IRC, you can probably find me on #Cafebleu (on the undernet). Cafebleu is a GREAT little coffee house where the topic is as spiced as the people who chat there. You won't catch many freaks here....we won't allow it!=) But if all you wanna do is be friendly and chat with earthy people, try out #Cafebleu. To find out more, go check out Cafebleu's Home Page (yes, we have a home page).