Tahira Presents!

A trip from 11th to the 20th Century

Welcome to my pages. These are in a state of flux as I attempt to update and add to them. Apologies for the falling rocks.

Persian Garb | SCA Storytelling Resource Page | Triangle Middle-Eastern Dance Page

A bit about me

For the past four years, I have been involved in the Medieval and Renaissance Recreation society known as The Society for Creative Anachronisms . Through my involvement, with the SCA I have become fascinated by various hobbies: Renaissance dancing, 11th Century Al-Andalus, Middle-eastern Dance, and Storytelling.

As there is a plethora of resources available for information on Renaissance Dance, I am not placing any information upon these pages. However, I have included a list of favourite sites below:

Renaissance Dance Links

Gregory Blount's Dance Page : an excellent source of a lot of Renaissance dance links, including the link to the SCA Dance listserv.

Joseph Cassaza's Rennaissance Dance Page: reproduction of Brussels Manuscript as well as information on Fifteenth Century Italian; Sixteenth Century Italian, French, and English; and Seventeenth Century English.

Institute for Historical Dance: a non-SCA group which does research on Fifteenth through Nineteenth Century Dance

Renaissance Dance Page: Loads of lovely stuff such as facsimiles of Arbeau, Caroso, Negri; essays on dance; and bibliographies

Letter of Dance : a journal of Renaissance Dance articles. Articles on dance reconstruction, SCA dance etiquette, and teaching Renaissance dance at practices

Fifteenth Century Dance Steps: An overview of Fifteenth-Century dance steps.

Playford's English Dancing Master: A typed-in version of Playford's choreographies.

Playford Another reproduction of Playford's dances.

Accadamia Della Danza A dance reconstruction group in Carolingia, which I was part of. It's changed a little now, but our reconstructions of several dances are on the page.

L'Academie Atlantienne de la Danse This is the dance guild for Atlantia, which is mostly informative for people in NC, SC, Virginia, DC, Maryland, and parts of Georgia who are interested in dance but does also contain The Muse, our electronic newsletter.

About the rest of the pages

The main reason I'm finally updating these pages after creating them three years ago and not looking at them since, is that although I have found a great deal of information concerning Turkish garb on the Web, I have found no sites dealing with Persian garb. I have also not found any sites dealing with the taifa period of Al-Andalus, which is my time period. I hope to create a centralized site for information which will prove useful to the person seeking to recreate Andalusi history and culture. The Persian garb stuff snuck its way into my interests because I do illumination and, while looking at Persian illumination, discovered that the clothing pictured therin bore very little resemblance to the clothing I saw at SCA events.

There are a fair amount of web pages dealing with Storytelling (some of which may even concern pre-1600 storytelling), but, as storytelling is my primary interest, I wanted to create my own. *grin*

These pages will continue to grow slowly over the next few however long they grow so please have patience. Any questions, comments, or requests for further information should be sent to me at madame_sosostris@hotmail.com

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