Welcome to Brookfield History Day!
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Brookfield History Day is the local element of the National History Day competion in Brookfield, Wisconsin. We hope that you will stop here often to see news, accomplishments, rosters, pictures, and more! This page will soon be completely "remodeled" for the 1999 season. Soon we will have:

the authoritative list of all winners from Brookfield NHD, dating back to 1994.
*rosters of all participants for this program year.
*information on past entries.

Here's a quick glance at the upcoming calendar:
April 10 Regional Contest, UW-Stevens Point
May 1 State Contest, UW-Stevens Point
June 13-17 National Contest, U of Maryland-College Park

For additional information on National History Day in general, including info on the 1999 theme, Science, Technology, and Invention in History, visit the
Official National History Day Homepage.

For additional information on Brookfield Academy, the home of BHD, visit the BA Homepage.
Set your VCR clock to match ours: 12:00
to the Brookfield NHD Home Page on the Web.
© 4 December 1999 brookfieldnhd@hotmail.com
to the Brookfield NHD Home Page on the Web.

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