Legion of Little Souls
of the
Merciful Heart of Jesus
"the little way"


To the Leaders and Little Souls throughout the world:

In the deep silence of his loving heart, Saint Joseph watches over the growth of the little ones entrusted to him.

My dear Little Souls,

Today, as I promised you on my feast day, I would like to speak to you, whom I love so much, about Saint Joseph, chosen as the great protector of the dear Legion. It seems necessary for me to pay homage to him by trying to better understand the virtues of this great Saint, of which the most important is his humility, his silence filled with God's gifts. Yet, this silence manifests itself without ceasing.

Let us gaze with tenderness on this good foster Father of God's Son. See him hold tenderly to his heart the poor little ones that we are. This silence is love teaching. This education is simple and easy to comprehend. He is the Saint of Love who speaks to us, and through him, Love pours marvelous graces on the little children, who remind him of the Royal Child entrusted to his care.

A child is created for love. A little child is so beautiful! As a good Father, Saint Joseph wants them in the littleness that he teaches them. Dear Little Souls, we are these children, raised by a Father, demanding at times, but who only desires what is good for each one of us. Are we conscious enough of this wonder Jesus grants us by entrusting us to his foster Father? Yes! Saint Joseph is the stillness of God who wishes to express himself in souls hurt by life, aspiring to receive from our dear protector what this God of Love and Goodness cannot refuse to give. In the deep silence of his loving heart, Saint Joseph watches over the growth of the little ones entrusted to him. I humbly admit not having understood sooner this gift from the Lord to the dear Legion and to me.

Great lesson of dear Saint Joseph: "humility".

We must admit that it is not always easy to be humble. The virtue of humility is Love in action in the Little Souls who accept this lesson. Like children, let us receive this substantial and nourishing food which makes love grow in our hearts. Did not Jesus say: "If you do not become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Let us be aware that real littleness is the soul's greatness in the Merciful Love and its submission to his demands. It is the great lesson that Saint Joseph, this good silent Father gives us. Humility is the foundation of Christian life. In the forgetfulness of self, we feel the power of Love, shaping our souls to think of others. To love, is also to render aid. Prayer in action, is love in action.

To love this great Saint, is to place ourselves under his protection. It is also to make room in our heart, through him, for Jesus and Mary, his most chaste Spouse. It is the assurance, through complete trust, of having our prayers answered for our greater good and the Glory of God.

Saint Joseph knows our weaknesses, our miseries, our powerlessness, but Little Souls know that perfection is not of this world. God alone is perfect. It is not surprising that our silent Friend is able to assist us in climbing the steps made up of acquired virtues, at the price of great sacrifices at times. One step up the ladder is a soul redeemed, in this difficult climb toward Heaven. Earth is the anteroom of Heaven, our true Country. One day, the rich as well as the poor will leave this world. For us Little Souls, aspiring for the ultimate encounter with Jesus when he returns, it is without fear, in spite of our faults (for who is blameless?), that we will throw ourselves in the arms of Infinite Mercy. Everything I tell you right now, in the Spirit of Love to whom I pray unceasingly, is through our good Protector, Saint Joseph. I greatly desire that you honour him in a special way, for his role in the dear Legion is of utmost importance. Let us make our Celestial Mother smile by bringing to her spouse our desire to know him better, to love him better. Her motherly heart can only be moved by this recognition of Saint Joseph as Protector of our Legion of little ones. As silent as he is, he does not cease to be a miracle of Love for many of us.

In Fr. André Doze's book Joseph, shadow of the Father, I read this passage which moves me particularly: "In actual fact, without naming him, no one has spoken of Saint Joseph better than Saint John of the Cross, on whom I personally lean on as my surest guide, in this faithless world which he knows better than anyone. There, God's humour triumphs." (page 41) As you well know, dear Little Souls, Saint John of the Cross was my first teacher in spirituality at the beginning of my conversion. I have known and loved him. Deo Gratias! 70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;

"One day, at the limit of my physical and nervous strength, in all humility, regretting my weakness which did not allow me to go any further, I appealed to my good heavenly protector, Saint Joseph; he is the one who in a dream, at the beginning of my conversion, had pushed away from me, in one sweeping gesture, a danger which I could not understand. I am firmly convinced that Saint Joseph, at that very moment, became my protector in all dangers of this life". (Message, 29 September 1977)

On her Feast day, Sunday November 16, 1997, Marguerite addressed these words to all the Little Souls present:

"Little Souls, on this day in which we are all gathered here, my thoughts go toward Saint Joseph, this great Saint of humility and littleness, protector of little ones. It is from the heart that I will speak more about him in the next Bulletin. But on this Feast day, before you my friends, whom I love so much, you will be the first to know of the mission that Jesus asks me to tell you, about his foster Father, Saint Joseph.

As the foundress of this Work of Love, I officially name Saint Joseph "PROTECTOR OF THE DEAR LEGION OF LITTLE SOULS" throughout the entire world!

I urge you to take this nomination very seriously, remembering the extreme littleness and humility of Saint Joseph as far as his Heavenly Home, where, in the deep silence of Infinity, he acts unceasingly.

With little Therese of the Child Jesus, the Legion is blessed with two great and powerful guardians. Let us pray to them both with confidence in their intercession in our lives. Let us not forget that Saint Joseph is the greatest Saint in Heaven, having received the grace of protecting Mary, his most chaste spouse, and the Divine Lamb. Through him, many things can happen. Let us never forget him."


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