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Legion of Little Souls

of the Merciful Heart of Jesus

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The Legion of Little Souls originated in Belgium in the Diocese of Liege on the 25th of September, 1971 with a view to ensuring the diffusion and spreading of the Merciful Love of the Heart of Jesus.

It concerns a Movement of evangelization, a Work of universal Love. Its goal is to help deepen the spiritual life - the interior life - at the School of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

Its spirituality is that of the little way of spiritual childhood presented in the New Testament, concretized by Therese of Lisieux and actualized by the "Message of Merciful Love", a very simple method of sanctification based on humility, on "littleness", on confidence and abandonment, spirit of sacrifice and poverty of spirit with a special concern for the poor.

Since 1965, Jesus has been communicating his desire to establish the Legion of Little Souls of the Merciful Heart of Jesus to a woman with the pseudonym of Marguerite who presently lives in Belgium. The following is one of His directions:

"It is in your worries and your fears that I transmit to you the desire of My Heart:You will form the order of Little Souls of the Merciful Heart of Jesus.

The Rule that the Little Souls will follow will be the rule of life of the Little Souls according to My Heart. She will not be bound by any vow, but she will undertake, in all freedom, to put into practice all that this Rule demands of her. If she falls, if she fails through weakness, in one of the points of the Rule, she will have done herself no harm, on the condition that she repairs the fault in question with contrition and more ardor in order to surpass herself to find others.

The "sense of others" is primordial, because it is the starting point, in Charity, for a Flame of Love across the world. There where I make her shoot up, there she will shine! The more available she is, the more she will illumine and shine forth.

I impose nothing, I ask.

The Little Soul must guard her freedom in Love and live it in as saintly a way as possible. She will win hearts by her approach to human misery, to console it and give it hope.

The Little Soul has duties before Me: she will have an immense respect for my Sacrament of Love. She will unify her prayer, her works, and the least of her actions in a single offering for the Holy Father, the whole Church, with her members, those holy and those who fail. I will bless and make fruitful all apostolate based on Love and Mercy.

If the Little Soul lives her Rule well, the world in crisis will be amazed and will ask itself questions regarding the innumerable little lights lighting up the darkness.

The Little Soul will guard her peace amid the pitfalls that life holds for her, she will do what is good, avoid what is evil.

...Thus comes and goes Love amongst men.

A rule of Life for the Little Soul.
Jesus said to Marguerite:
Go towards one who suffers, console him.
Go towards one who doubts, reassure him.
Go towards one who weeps, dry his tears.
Go towards one who waits, teach him patience.
Go towards one who strays, show him the way.
Go towards one who is in despair, give him hope.
Go towards one who lacks faith, strengthen him.
Go towards one who is in darkness, give him the hope of receiving light.
Go towards one who is exalted, calm him.
Go towards one who is wavering, give him firmness.
Go towards your brothers, take them the good odor of Christ Jesus, his gentleness and his humility.

December 17, 1978 Jesus said to Marguerite:

Humility facilitates the encounter of a soul with her God and projects a new light over all the problems of daily life. I become truly the Center of your life at that moment. It is for Me that you act, write, talk and pray. You are no longer the one living; I am the One living in you. I become all for you and you meet Me in every person with whom you deal. Your welcoming then becomes kinder; your word is a better carrier of my Thought; your writings are a more faithful expression of my Spirit. But you still have so much of your ego to relinquish! The more humble you become, the more access you will have to my Light, and also, the more you will diffuse it round about you... ...Be ever more a servant of my Kindness, my Humility, my Joy!

I have a much greater need for your humiliations than for your successes. I have a much greater need for you renunciations than for your satisfactions. How could you take pride in what does not belong to you? All that you are, all that you have is simply lent to you, just as the talents of the Gospel. Your collaboration itself, so precious in my sight, is only the fruit of my grace; and when I requite your merits, I shall actually crown my own gifts to you. Your mistakes, your oppositions and your ambiguities are all that really belong to you, and my inexhaustible Mercy can also wipe these away.

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