December's Journal

November's Journal

October's Journal

The following is a record of the past daily entries.

Will anyone join me in reading the Bible through this year. I don't want to give up! I want to finish well. A friend of mine, Allen Petersen, mentioned a Back to the Bible broadcast he had heard on the radio. He encouraged me to listen to it on the internet at Back to the Bible. The program was called, "Finishing Well!" I'm glad he encouraged me to listen to it! I want to finish well. I have started more times than you know to do this or that for the Lord but finishing well is hard. Please join me so together we may finish well!
(Psa 63:3 NIV) Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
Concerning the Fifty Day Spiritual Adventure, It's great this year! I especially like the five action steps this time! It is encouraging to be doing it right at the begining of the year. In my mind I'm still stuck on a phrase from a verse on the first warm -up day. The Bible says in 2 Peter 1 we are "partakers of the divine nature". What does that mean? If you have the answer please email me
The Breath Deep prayer this adventure is also great in the teen journal. It is simple and yet means so much. Simply, "What do you want to do today, Jesus?"
Really sums it up.

Will you deny him too?

Sunday, December 27, 1998
Today I read Mark 14
Read Mark chapter 14
Jesus didn't defend himself!
Mark 14:72
Will you deny Him too?

In this rather long chapter Mark recounts for us more suffering than most of us will ever know! Jesus is misunderstood while being honored with anointment, disappointed by freinds who fall asleep, struugling alone with His Fathers will for him, betrayed by a friend with a kiss and denied by another, beaten, falsly accussed, and condemed to death.
For this He came to be born, lived to die, and died to rise! Father,
Teach me to obey even when it hurts and I feel alone.
your Child



Please look below for the new search engine I have right on the page below the bottom ad banner!

You better be ready!

Saturday, December 26, 1998
Today I read Mark 13
Read Mark chapter 12
Jesus will return!
Mark 13:36
Are you watching?

Today is a busy day with traveling to family and all! But I want to encourage you to take the time to read Mark 13. I am excited to look for the return of my Lord!
For years people have noted signs that they thought were the actual signs to precipitate The return of Jesus. Yet Peter's letter in the New Testament remind us that people did not believe that there was going to be a flood and there was! The end will come. And you best be prepared. Father,
Keep me watching for your Son's return.
your Child



Please look below for the new search engine I have right on the page below the bottom ad banner!

The Most Excellent Way!

Friday, December 25, 1998
Today I read Mark 12
Read Mark chapter 12
Jesus loves his neighbor
Mark 12:30
Who do you love?

From beginning to end Jesus once again illustrates his reason for coming. And it was his own example that he wants us to follow. He wants us to sacrifice our own interests for the interests of others.
Jesus is not asking for anything more than his due! The whole question of taxes really speaks volumes. The Pharisees were trying to trip him up and he really turns it on them. To me it is clear that the image of God is stamped on man and he expects to have what is his own back. As the widow's mite clearly illustrates what we have may not seem like much. Many of us due to circumstances we can not control have been reduced to the widows mite. Yet God's image has been stamped on us. And we ought to offer all we have to God!
Help me to give up everything for you.
your Child



The Results of Faith!

Thursday, December 24, 1998
Today I read Mark 11
Read Mark chapter 10
Jesus promises answers!
Mark 11:24
Do you have faith?

I can find no weakness in God!
So If I don't see the power that Jesus said I could have through prayer and belief I must face theat it could be my own weakness. When the disciples could not cast out that demon previously Jesus said it was becuase they did not know how to handle that kind. James offers another idea for consideration when your prayers are not answered they way you think God should. Maybe what we ask for is ok but our reason for wanting it is not. No matter the reason if there is blame to be had it must fall on me. Lastly, I am reminded of the man born blind healed by Jesus when the disciples were sure some one had sin to cause the blindness. And just as Paul had the "thorn in the flesh" similarly Jesus said the man born blind was that way because God wanted to show his glory. So maybe there is no blame only a temporal vision of the need.

Let me accept what is your will and yearn for you to answer what you would want me to pray for.!
your child.




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Web Mistro: William K. Bode
Snail Mail to: 4805 McBride Road Lakeview, MI 48850

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