Pro RootTM MTA

Pro Root MTA

For predictable results. ProRootTM MTA is a unique root repair material. Compositionally, there is no other material like it. ProRootTM MTA is a clinically viable solution for the following indications: Apexification, Repair of Root Perforations during Root Canal Therapy, Repair of Root Resorption, Root-end Filling, and Pulp Capping.





ProRoot™ MTA has just got better! ProRoot™ MTA is now available in white only, which means no more discoloration of the tooth.

ProRoot™ MTA is a superior root repair material, with the following qualities:

  • Resistant to marginal leakage
  • Allows normal healing response
  • Set in the presence of moisture
  • Reduces bacterial migration

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Each packet of ProRoot™ MTA powder comes with a pre-measured unit dose of water for convenience in mixing.   ProRoot™ MTA reaches a working consistency rapidly and is ready to be applied to the prepared site.

ProRoot™ MTA can be used in:

DENTSPLY has also launched a set of instruments, which can be used in conjunction with ProRoot™ MTA for accurate placement.  Surgical Manual Carriers for ProRoot™ MTA area available now, at participating dealers only.

For further information please contact Janis Haddow at DENTSPLY on 01932 853422 or via email at



The ProRoot SystemLa caja grandee s el video video pero eso no lo necesito

La caja al lado izquierdo es donde viene el material que viene en sobres como los de la derecha

El instrumento de metal que parese una jeringa es el que necesito pero viene en el kit no se preocupe, y el otro es como un gotero  y la espátula para revolverlo